Over Privileged White Guy (OPWG) Podcast – Ep Twenty Seven – Audiobook Chapter One (1), The Four Body Types & Star Power-Page Nine (9)

Audiobook Backstory, Researcher's Intro Message, It's All We Really Know - Over Privileged White Guy (OPWG) Book - Chapter One, Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16


Podcast Host: Over Privileged White Guy (OPWG) Book, Audiobook Narrator. Audiobook Chapter One (1), The Four Body Types and Star Power – Page 9

OPWG Podcast Episode Twenty Seven Overview – Audiobook Chapter One (1), The Four Body Types and Star Power – Page 9

This week’s Over Privileged White Guy (OPWG) Podcast Episode Twenty Seven (27) continues Chapter One (1) of the audiobook, The Four Body Types and Star Power – Page 9. The discussion between the author, Walter Hego, and the main Fellow One Research researcher, Gnosis, elaborates on the changes Gnosis has noticed as his body has aged, especially upon crossing the 40-year old threshold, while achieving from a Body Type Four (BT4) to his current Body Type Two (BT2).

Over Privileged White Guy – Audiobook, Chapter One (1), The Four Body Types and Star Power – Page Nine (9)

“That may be all too true far too often, and although I know we have a tremendous amount of work to do to actually achieve to what we are really capable of accomplishing as individuals and as a species, I still think our future holds bright potential,” Walter said optimistically, but not convincingly.

“Indeed it does have worthy potential,” I said diplomatically. “But that is a debate for another time.”

Audiobook Backstory, Researcher's Intro Message, It's All We Really Know - Over Privileged White Guy (OPWG) Book - Chapter One, Page 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9Walter said, “Have you noticed a difference in your body since you crossed the forty-year threshold?”

“Very much so.” I said, “Not only do I have less energy, although I was prone to excess energy and hyperactivity in my earlier years, but other changes are readily evident. The skin changes are most striking. Wrinkles have begun to set in everywhere they once were not. Everything seems just a little bit weaker and in decline. Wherever I continue to lack muscle mass, and I still lack quite a lot of muscle mass especially in relation to my lower vertebrae, I ache and twitch and feel the unbalance even more now. It is really obvious that something has changed, that ‘something’ is the fact that my cells, due to their programming, have ceased fully regenerating and are now regenerating less efficiently and effectively. Fact is, the aging process as it is currently programmed into human genes is really meant to reveal the unbalances of the individual human body and soul over time. But diet, exercise, and lifestyle can help counteract aging.”

(Listen on Youtube to the Over Privileged White Guy Book, OPWG Podcast – Episode Twenty Seven – Audiobook Chapter One (1), The Four Body Types and Star Power – Page Nine (9) to hear the entire text)

“I guess that is something to look forward to in the coming years,” Walter said sarcastically.

“If it makes you feel any better, the aging process actually serves a very educational and valuable purpose for us humans, but that does not mean genes cannot be reprogrammed,” I commented.

Walter said, “Noted. Sounds like a bit of foreshadowing in your tone?”

I replied, “Time will tell.”

Walter repositioned himself in his chair, continuing on with the conversation saying, “Back to our original train of thought. Now that I have a better sense of soul energy, star power and holding the energy, how do these things relate to the ‘it’ factor?”

Listen To/Read the Over Privileged White Guy (OPWG) Audiobook Chapter One (1), The Four Body Types and Star Power – Page Nine (9)

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