Average FORCA?Fellow One Research Combined Average (FORCA) Health Score which Averages the Self-Determined (SD) Health & FORC Health Scores [5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy]. This score is in beta testing.


Average FORTH?Fellow One Research Total Health (FORTH) Score [5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy]. This score is in beta testing.


Average FORMR?Fellow One Research Metabolism Rate (FORMR) Adjusted Mifflin St Jeor Equation BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) Score. This score is in beta testing.

Slow Metabolism

Average FORMA?Fellow One Research Metabolism Activity (FORMA) Adjusted Harris-Benedict Activity Score. This score is in beta testing.

Decreased Metabolic Rate

Average BMI Minimal, Moderate, High Risk

High Risk


IDNameBMIFORTHFORCAFORMRFORMABasic SD Health Score Basic Fellow One Research Participant Self-Determined Health ScoreBasic FORC Health Score Basic Fellow One Research Participant Calculated Health ScoreBiological OriginCountryBiological GenderGenerationAgeHeightWeightHeaviest WeightUnderdeveloped VertebraeBody Type
1461Hanah S.32.62.833.52Slow Metabolism

Decreased Metabolic Rate

3.53.53Mostly Caucasian/White and/or of European DescentUnited StatesFemale (Woman)Generation X435'419021019Body Type Four (BT4)
1303Abdul H. Metabolism

Decreased Metabolic Rate

1.672.03Mostly Oriental, Pacific Islander, and/or of Asian DescentMauritiusMale (Man)Generation Z215'929530825Body Type Four (BT4)
1286James J.38.71.621.64Slow Metabolism

Decreased Metabolic Rate

1.331.95Mostly Caucasian/White and/or of European DescentUnited StatesMale (Man)Millennial (Generation Y)295'1027027621Body Type Four (BT4)
1239Jinran C.29.33.593.79Slow Metabolism

Decreased Metabolic Rate

3.673.91Mostly Oriental, Pacific Islander, and/or of Asian DescentJapanFemale (Woman)Baby Boomer605'216016718Body Type Four (BT4)
1183Kazzy K. Metabolism

Decreased Metabolic Rate

2.672.88Mostly Caucasian/White and/or of European DescentUnited StatesFemale (Woman)Generation X436'127528518Body Type Four (BT4)
1069Chaldees R. Metabolism

Steady Metabolic Rate

2.332.85Mostly Oriental, Pacific Islander, and/or of Asian DescentPhilippinesFemale (Woman)Millennial (Generation Y)334'1014315418Body Type Four (BT4)
1054Cyril VIncent C.28.83.333.23Slow Metabolism

Decreased Metabolic Rate

3.173.28Mostly Oriental, Pacific Islander, and/or of Asian DescentPhilippinesMale (Man)Generation Z245'919521026Body Type Four (BT4)
1053Maria B.32.12.332.01Slow Metabolism

Decreased Metabolic Rate

1.672.35Mostly Caucasian/White and/or of European DescentMoldovaFemale (Woman)Millennial (Generation Y)275'418721019Body Type Four (BT4)
1015Christopher W.38.72.943.25Slow Metabolism

Decreased Metabolic Rate

2.673.83Mostly Caucasian/White and/or of European DescentUnited StatesMale (Man)Generation X415'1027040121Body Type Four (BT4)
992Garcia M. Metabolism

Decreased Metabolic Rate

1.672.55Mostly Black and/or of African DescentJamaicaFemale (Woman)Millennial (Generation Y)275'420521519Body Type Four (BT4)
Body Type Test (Quiz) Results 1461 – Body Type Four (BT4) Female (Woman), Generation X

Body Type Test (Quiz) Results 1461 – Body Type Four (BT4) Female (Woman), Generation X

Fellow One Research, The Four Body Types - Body Type Quiz/Test Participant 1461, Hanah Smith Body Type Four (BT4) Female (Woman) Generation X

Body Type Test (Quiz) Results 1303 – Body Type Four (BT4) Male (Man), Generation Z

Body Type Test (Quiz) Results 1303 – Body Type Four (BT4) Male (Man), Generation Z

Fellow One Research, The Four Body Types - Body Type Quiz/Test Participant 1303, Abdul Hadoor Body Type Four (BT4) Male (Man) Generation Z

Body Type Test (Quiz) Results 1286 – Body Type Four (BT4) Male (Man), Millennial (Generation Y)

Body Type Test (Quiz) Results 1286 – Body Type Four (BT4) Male (Man), Millennial (Generation Y)

Fellow One Research, The Four Body Types - Body Type Quiz/Test Participant 1286, James Jones Body Type Four (BT4) Male (Man) Millennial (Generation Y)

Body Type Test (Quiz) Results 1239 – Body Type Four (BT4) Female (Woman), Baby Boomer

Body Type Test (Quiz) Results 1239 – Body Type Four (BT4) Female (Woman), Baby Boomer

Fellow One Research, The Four Body Types - Body Type Quiz/Test Participant 1239, Jinran Caselingua Body Type Four (BT4) Female (Woman) Baby Boomer

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