

About Fellow One Research: recognizing the most valuable resource is true knowledge.


Founded in 2003, the mission of Fellow One Research is scientifically acquiring and properly utilizing true knowledge, one of the greatest, if not the greatest challenge we human beings face. Science-based research has grown significantly in the past century, overtaking superstition, blind belief, and ignorant faith. This new scientific perspective and approach takes advantage of real, well-founded scientific facts, evidence, logic, reason, data, and the like to better understand all areas of being human, especially diet, exercise, and lifestyle, which define day-to-day human life.


Truly understanding the human body & health starts with the physical body. The initial Four Body Types’ Body Type Science Theory research utilized a front-facing, more transparent approach to build trust, including the original genetic Scientific Body Type Quiz (retired), Scientific Weight Loss Diary (retired), and Science-Based Diet, Exercise, Lifestyle Commenting & Community Collaboration (retired) to investigate the body’s genetic scaffolding and structure, including vertebrae (posture) and muscles/muscle mass development relative to skinny fat (cellulite, thin fat, loose skin, saggy skin, crepy skin, normal weight obesity) and regular fat (white fat/yellow fat/excess fat/adipose tissue/being overweight or obese).

We have now developed the new, private digital Scientific Health Quizzes so you can scientifically understand your unique genetic body composition (shape/type) and metabolism along with specific diet, exercise, and lifestyle “snapshots” of your unique metrics. 


This is accomplished using a broad range of relevant science-based variables including genetics/body composition — muscles/muscle mass, skinny fat, and regular fat — metabolism/metabolic rate (basal metabolic rate/BMR), diet (food and drink), exercise (cardio and resistance),  lifestyle (sleep, stress, etc.), Body Mass Index (BMI), hormones, and sustainable living (environmental influences like pollution, climate change, etc.) data, to name a few.

Fellow One Research focuses on genuinely understanding all levels — physical (body), mental (mind), emotional (energy in motion), and spiritual (soul) — of human health, particularly unbalances and diseases including obesity (global epidemic) and cancer (cell mutations, worldwide health issue) to better comprehend whole human health data and what it means to really be a healthy, balanced human being.


The process of analyzing, interpreting, extrapolating, and truly concluding such scientific data is no easy task. This is why keeping an open mind to the process is so vital. We welcome you to join us. Learn more about our Body Type Science theory.


About Fellow One Research, The Four Body Types, Body Type Quiz, Sustainability

Fellow One Research is a nonprofit organization uniting science and spirit through The Four Body Types (genetic scientific body type) research using Body Type Science tools that include the Digital Scientific Health Quizzes: official genetic Scientific Body Type Quiz (Composition/Skinny Fat) and Scientific Metabolism, Diet, Exercise, and Lifestyle Quizzes. The ultimate short and long-term goal is the scientific acquisition of true knowledge to achieve sustainable human health as well as environmental, economic (including health care), and societal health to ensure the positive, progressive survival and evolution of the human species on planet Earth.