Insights from Gnosis: Jesus and Mary Magdalene in America

Insights from Gnosis: Jesus and Mary Magdalene in America

Insights from Gnosis: Jesus and Mary Magdalene Were the First Known Human Rights Freedom Fighters. Their Progeny Lives to This Day, Continuing the Resistance.

BBC: Can We Cheat Aging?

BBC: Can We Cheat Aging?

Current facts show that diseases like cancer, rheumatism and Alzheimer’s, which are related to aging, kill roughly 100,000 people every day worldwide.

The Atlantic: A Grave Climate Change Warning

The Atlantic: A Grave Climate Change Warning

In a historic new report, federal scientists contradict President Trump and affirms that climate change is an intensifying danger to the United States & World. Unfortunately it came out on a holiday.

Fox News: Video shows 9-year-old boy lighting LED bulb with his bare hands

Fox News: Video shows 9-year-old boy lighting LED bulb with his bare hands

Fox News: 9-year-old Abu Thahir from Kerala, India claims, along with his family, that he can light up a LED bulb just by touching it.