Oak Island Treasure Update (01-08-25): core drilling in the money pit areas continues. Borehole E1.75-5.6 reveals stacked wood found at 109 ft below in situ earth (undisturbed by man) which strongly indicates the inside of a tunnel and is further supported by more similar wood down to 117 ft. Below is in situ earth down to roughly 149 ft, with more similar stacked wood and possible cement found around 155 ft. This area is previously undocumented and possibly hides the legendary Chappell Vault. Lot 5 and lot 4 continue to intrigue with more old artifacts newly found including a lead ball on lot 4 dating to the 1600’s.
Oak Island Treasure Update (12-15-24): continued strong precious metal readings from Golden Egg water samples are complimented by the excavation work being done nearby at Smith’s Cove. Poorly mixed cement has been recovered from the Smith’s Cove digging site that has been scientifically dated to between the 1920s and 1970s, falling within the scope of the work that was done in the 1960s. At that time, cement was poured to attempt to stop the flooding in the main shaft. The Fellowship is confident they have found the flood tunnels that are protecting the main shaft.
Oak Island Treasure Update (05-01-24): As winter closes in and the current season comes to an end, the scientific evidence continues to build including the strengthening connection between the Knights Templer and Vikings/Norse. The archeology is revealing the structure on lot 5 well may be the staging area for the rest of the original happenings on the island. The ingenious flood tunnels that are protecting the Garden Shaft/Money Pit remain steadfast sentinels of whatever they were built to protect below 100 feet.
Why build such a profound booby trap more than 100 feet below ground on a tiny remote island in the middle of nowhere? How did they know they could dig that deep on this island? How did they build such a complex structure likely 1000 years ago, if not older, as sticks/organic matter found under a large boulder near the stone road in the swamp date to around 600-800 A.D. What is the source of the consistent water sample precious metal readings in the baby blob area, near the Garden Shaft/Money Pit?
Oak Island Treasure Update (03-22-24): Silver is found on lot 5. Further research indicates Nolan’s Cross is actually the Tree of Life, and properly deciphered will pinpoint the location of the treasure, likely including the Ark of the Covenant, no less. Further scientific research is pending. If the science reveals the real truth of Jesus and Mary Magdalene, then it rewrites history and changes everything. It means the Church/Vatican is the mortal enemy of Jesus and Mary Magdalene. We know the Vatican/Church is the mortal enemy of the Knights Templar. The scientific data, evidence, and facts grow stronger every day.
Oak Island Treasure Update (03-13-24): New scientific evidence suggests the Vikings were on Oak Island and worked with the Knights Templar. The promising hand-made large wood beams found at the bottom of the Garden Shaft (Money Pit) have been removed, although they did not reveal a clear tunnel. Awaiting further scientific testing and research.
Oak Island Treasure Update (03-06-24): Further analysis by expert archaeoastronomy professor Adriano Gaspani reveals the elements found directly relative to Nolans Cross (dated to 1200 AD) including the Stone Piles and Triangle Stones align with specific stars as well as the moon, offering a creation date of 1250 AD or so, with almost 100% certainty. Further metal artifact finds on lot fifteen (15) and at the bottom of the Graden Shaft, as well as a large wood structure found nearly 100 ft down in the Garden Shaft, strengthen the science and optimism.
Oak Island Treasure Update (02-21-24): Expanding research by 32nd-degree Freemason Chris Morford regarding Nolan’s Cross and the Knights Templar reveals further secrets relative to man-made drill-hole stones, one found exactly halfway between The Garden Shaft (Money Pit) and Stone C in the Cross (and directly inline with Stone A), strengthening the science. Overall confidence is at an all-time high that the Fellowship is on the right path. Dumas Contracting LTD has the Garden Shaft shored up and digging at the bottom of the shaft has commenced, leading to a game-changing find of a wood structure (including a round wood beam that sounds hollow) below 92 feet that has everyone at attention.
Watch Episode 15, Season 11 of Curse of Oak Island on History
Oak Island Treasure Update (12-06-23): The 2-year Muon (subatomic particle) topography research work reveals multiple deep underground low-density and high-density anomalies including what is dubbed “Aladdin’s Cave”. This supports the strong precious metal metal readings in the water and wood recovered from the same area, including gold and silver. Carbon dating from unexpected wood recovered from a drill hole near the Garden Shaft reveals it is likely very old — possibly 16th century.
Oak Island Treasure Update (11-22-23): The science (data, evidence, facts) suggests there are (or were) likely two treasures on the Island. The main treasure left by the Knights Templar/Freemasons et al, and a secondary Spanish Conception treasure buried by Sir William Phips in the late 1600’s. The underground tunnel relative to the Garden Shaft (Money Pit area) is coming into clearer view, with the scientific evidence strongly indicating matching wood data points (near 98 feet) from a man-made tunnel and chamber, including high amounts of the rare metal palladium that likely complements the gold and silver readings, no less.
Oak Island Treasure Update (05-17-23): Strong indications of non-ferrous metal in the Money Pit. Stone ramps and other man-made stone paths/roads in or relative to the triangle-shaped swamp (Marsh) are scientifically dated between roughly 1200 AD and 1600 AD. The round/circular formation (The Hole Under the Hatch?) on lot 5 reveals evidence of a possible structure(s) and is becoming a research focus. Winter forces break until warmer weather (next season).
Oak Island Treasure Update (05-10-23): The scientific analysis of the lead token found on lot 5 has a nearly identical isotope composition as the lead cross also found on the island at Smith’s Cove. Both were manufactured from lead sourced from southern France, a known Templar stronghold. Along with strong evidence of gold in both the water and excavated wood pieces are real signs of a wooden structure in the Money Pit at 92 feet.
Oak Island Treasure Update (05-03-23): H + O stone symbolism likely deciphered as “Here Templar Gold” as real progress is made in the Money Pit shaft/area. The recent focus on the odd circular/round shape (The Hole Under the Hatch?) on lot 5 may have ties to Scottish nobleman Sir Henry Sinclair (St. Clair).
Oak Island Treasure Update (04-26-23): Strong links to 1200 A.D. revealed through archaeoastronomy and Nolan’s Cross. Further ties to the Knights Templar via the southern-France-sourced lead cross found in Smith’s Cove and an identical designed cross in an ancient cave in Camerano, Italy.
No matter how important the message, if the messenger(s) fails to successfully communicate and promulgate the message, the message is likely lost. Perhaps forever. Most people view Jesus the Christ as a religious figure of upmost, if not absolute importance. Just as most people believe that Mary Magdalene was nothing more than an insignificant feminine low-life and demon-possessed prostitute whose only real historical importance was being shown mercy by the Blessed One/Christ.
But the real scientific historical facts paint a much different picture, regardless of faith. As centuries passed on from the crucifixion, the real, original message of Jesus (Yeshua) and Mary Magdalene was dishonestly spun and twisted more and more to especially appease ignorant, masculine egos hell-bent on maintaining and enhancing their own personal power, privilege, and material wealth. All the while their false message unequally, unjustly, and unfairly perpetuated the continued inhumane control of the masses.
Indeed, the very opposite message of Jesus and Mary Magdalene.
Jesus and Mary Magdalene – The True Message
From the Nicaea Council and Nicene Creed to the Crusades up through the Inquisition to the modern chokehold that mainstream, faith-based religions like Christianity (Bible) and Islam (Koran) maintain over most of the world’s population, the true message of Jesus and Mary Magdalene appears to have been all but lost. Or was it? What if the message not only survived, but it is alive and well, in every way, as I write this now? What, then, is the true message of Jesus and Mary Magdalene?
Inspired by fellow human beings like George Floyd, social justice movements are erupting across the globe. For the first time ever in known recorded human history, human beings of all races, creeds, nationalities, genders, economic statuses, and walks of life, in general, are joining together as one to stand up to worldwide inequality, injustice, and unfairness. They protest and raise their voices for equal Human Rights and True Humanity.
The truth is, they are merely continuing the same Human Rights movement and protests that Jesus and Mary Magdalene started and galvanized so many centuries ago.
The Son of Man – Jesus and Mary Magdalene
Jesus called himself the Son of Man. Translated into modern English, Jesus was calling himself, like Mary Magdalene and everyone else, a human being. Not the Son of God.
Yet, by the very nature of his soul — his cumulative experience over many incarnate lifetimes (reincarnation), his overall knowledge (gnosis), balance, awareness, and wisdom, mistakes and flaws, kindness and generosity, genuineness and humanness, and sheer honesty as a whole — all of this and more is what made Jesus of Nazareth both the human being and the Christ that He Is (gnostic).
Rejected and outcast by most during his time, including his fellow Nazaretheans, Jesus’ message was focused on truly caring about the betterment of fellow human beings through equality, justice, fairness, genuineness, and honesty.
Mary Magdalene and Jesus – Progeny & Genetics/DNA
The only way to ensure that the message truly survived intact and as unadulterated as possible, was through progeny. Passing on their genetics/DNA (line of David). Not only does the historical evidence heavily favor Jesus and Mary Magdalene being husband and wife with a child, it is simply common sense.
Why would the “Son of God” come to Earth for a fleeting moment in time, and simply allow himself to be crucified with no progeny or real way for his true message to survive and live on? The historical accounts and evidence put Mary Magdalene in pole position. She was the Apostle of the apostles and actual leader once Jesus was gone.
Mary Magdalene and Child – The Journey West in the Boat with No Oars
Fearing for both her child’s life and her own, not long after the seemingly extraordinary events relative to Jesus after the crucifixion, Mary Magdalene and Mother Mary fled the Holy Land to Alexandria in Egypt. Moving on to southern France via what was said to be in a boat with no oars, the story winds through the centuries involving no less than Rennes le Chateau, the Merovingians, Cathars (Catharism), Knights Templar, Leonardo Da Vinci, and Founding Fathers (Freemasons).
It leads from France to Portugal to Scotland to Nova Scotia (Oak Island) down into (to name a few) Maine (Spirit Pond), Massachusetts (Westford Knight), Rhode Island (Narragansett runestone) including the Newport Tower (points to Kensington, MN), Michigan (Copper Harbor Norse Sailing Ship) straight into the heart of America to the Kensington Runestone in Minnesota (a land claim and relevant treaties with native inhabitants) over the centuries — two millennia of clandestine hard work and unrecognized sacrifice by countless honest incarnate souls, including Jacques de Molay and Henry Sinclair (St. Clair).
Oak Island, Knights Templar Finds – Cross and Lead Cargo Bag Seal Made of Southern French Lead
Modern research by many including the likes of Scott Wolter (America Unearthed, History & Travel Channels) and brothers Rick and Marty Lagina (The Curse of Oak Island, History Channel) has revealed
even more intriguing scientific information. Science-based evidence such as the Hooked-X, the M-Sign, and the Templar Flag (Freemasons) that was flown on the ship of Christopher Columbus (Cristóbal Colón) and others.
Finds on Oak Island, backed up by modern science, include the lead cross which is identical to a carving on a Templar wall in southern France. What are the odds of finding that cross, made of lead from southern France, on Oak Island? Not to mention the lead cargo bag seal which is also made from the same southern French lead.
The Real Treasure of Jesus and Mary Magdalene That Disappeared Into History
Countless other finds and corroborating evidence strongly link the Knights Templar to Oak Island and the supposed history-changing treasure to be found there. It is a fact that when the King of France betrayed the Knights Templar on Friday the 13th, 1307, an armada of Knights Templar (Freemasons) ships escaped with a massive treasure, disappearing into history. The evidence points to Portugal to Scotland to Oak Island and beyond into America.
Whether the Oak Island treasure is found or not, one thing is for sure, that treasure did not vanish into thin air. A large portion was likely used to originally find, start, and build the United States of America. Washington, D.C. is emersed in overwhelming Freemason artifacts.
Dan Brown’s 2003 best-selling book The Da Vinci Code spread like wildfire, becoming a planet-wide phenomenon. The evidence presented was profound, but why did and do so many find credence in it? Because inherently, deep down in the depths of every soul, no matter the human body the soul resides in, the honest truth is waiting to be found. And will be found by those who truly look within and search.
Jesus and Mary Magdalene – Human Rights Freedom Fighters
Jesus and Mary Magdalene (Magdala) are arguably the most famous human beings to ever live. They were the first known Freedom Fighters to stand up for Human Rights against impossible tyranny, injustice, inequality, and unfairness. Jesus the Christ died for his fellow human beings, including the one that he loved most, Mary Magdalene. He did not die to absolve you or anyone of their sins. They both lived, as do their progeny, to teach you what it means to be a true human being. And how to achieve to True Humanity.
Mary Magdalene continued to lead the resistance, traveling arduously while raising their offspring to further continue the resistance. And their progeny – the holy royal bloodline, the holy grail – continues the resistance to this very day. The stage is set, real revolution is once again upon humanity. Do you choose to rise up and stand for what is right, fair, equal, just – Honest?
I do. Without genuine Honesty in the world, there can be no Peace. I hope you will join us in the resistance to reach critical revolutionary mass and an honest, sustainable future.
Comment #795
An interesting discussion, I do think that you ought to publish more about this issue. It might be a taboo subject but generally people do discuss such topics.
Comment #2785
Your Article is interesting to read. I agree with your findings that without Honesty in the world, there can be no Peace.
As for as the Jesus and Mary Magdalene is concerned I have heard the only relation was as Mother and Son.
Comment #2786
Comment #3501
First thing is first, JESUS was not a GOD. He was sent by GOD as his prophet on earth to guide the gone astray to the right path of justice, kindness and righteous human rights. Can you call someone A GOD who is given birth by a women? And second, he didn't die! and whatever other people call the force that took Jesus up in the sky THAT WAS THE REAL GOD, THE CREATOR OF THE WHOLE UNIVERSE AND EVERYTHING IN IT!. The least anyone can do is to observe his surroundings, the nature, the come and go of day and night! There is someone who has a control over everything and that is the real GOD! Is someone who is made up of flesh and needs oxygen to breathe is eligible to be called as a GOD? GOD needs nothing to live or survive. HE is superior or everything and HE is everywhere. Even JESUS looked upwards while praying because He knew he has a GOD who is the giver to all.
Comment #3503
The article is very clear about the status of Jesus: Jesus called himself the Son of Man. Translated into modern English, Jesus was calling himself, like Mary Magdalene and everyone else, a human being. Not the Son of God. Yet, by the very nature of his soul — his cumulative experience over many incarnate lifetimes (reincarnation), his overall knowledge (gnosis), balance, awareness, and wisdom, mistakes and flaws, kindness and generosity, genuineness and humanness, and sheer honesty as a whole — all of this and more is what made Jesus of Nazareth both the human being and the Christ that He Is (gnostic).
God Is not outside of you or seperate from you. But this artice is not really about God, nor meant to be.