Body Type Test (Quiz) Results 1047 – Body Type One (BT1) Male (Man), Generation Z

Body Type Test (Quiz) Results 1047 – Body Type One (BT1) Male (Man), Generation Z

Fellow One Research, The Four Body Types - Body Type Quiz/Test Participant 1047, Aleksandar Georgiev Body Type One (BT1) Male (Man) Generation Z

Body Type Test (Quiz) Results 757 – Body Type Two (BT2) Male (Man), Generation Z

Body Type Test (Quiz) Results 757 – Body Type Two (BT2) Male (Man), Generation Z

Fellow One Research, The Four Body Types - Body Type Quiz/Test Participant 757, Ivan Ivanov Body Type Two (BT2) Male (Man) Generation Z

Research Participant 646 – Body Type Two (BT2) Female (Woman), Millennial (Generation Y)

Research Participant 646 – Body Type Two (BT2) Female (Woman), Millennial (Generation Y)

Fellow One Research, The Four Body Types Research Participant 646, Darina Hristoskova Body Type Two (BT2) Female (Woman) Millennial (Generation Y)

Research Participant 371 – Body Type One (BT1) Male (Man), Generation Z

Research Participant 371 – Body Type One (BT1) Male (Man), Generation Z

Fellow One Research, The Four Body Types Research Participant 371, Kalin Kolev Body Type One (BT1) Male (Man) Generation Z