New Digital Scientific Health Quizzes – Scientific Metabolism, Diet, Exercise, Lifestyle, & Body Composition/Scientific Body Type Quiz, Weight Loss

New Digital Scientific Health Quizzes – Scientific Metabolism, Diet, Exercise, Lifestyle, & Body Composition/Scientific Body Type Quiz, Weight Loss

Tired of failing at weight loss/maintenance and being confused about how to safely, sustainably, and successfully lose white/yellow fat (regular fat) weight? The digital Scientific Health Quizzes are the solution. 

The current science is clear.

  • Unique genetic body composition. Muscles/muscle mass (or lack of), white/yellow fat (regular fat), and skinny fat (cellulite, thin fat, loose skin, saggy skin, crepey skin, normal weight obesity) directly influence your metabolism, diet, exercise, lifestyle, and total health.
  • Metabolism (calories burned). Directly influenced by body composition. Slow, fast, normal metabolism. Decreased, increased, steady metabolic rate.
  • Diet (calories consumed). A calorie is NOT a calorie. Food type, quality, and quantity matter. Avoid empty calories and low-quality calories commonly found in fast, junk, and processed foods (which comprise roughly 60% of the average American’s daily diet). Do not eat the typical Standard American Diet (SAD). Instead, high-quality calories including high-quality proteins, fats, and fiber carbs should be common ingredients in your daily meals.
  • Exercise (calories burned). Walk consistently and regularly. Lift weights. There are many other cardio and resistance exercise options.
  • Lifestyle. Consistent and regular quality sleep and minimal stress, no less.
  • Total Health. Health is very complex and based on numerous factors. Not just weight and appearance.

How do you know how all that affects the unique, specific individual person that is you and your regular fat weight loss efforts as well as aggregate health?

The digital Scientific Health Quizzes accurately calculate your unique metrics using the latest wrangled scientific data, evidence, facts, and equations/formulas in proprietary algorithms.

Digital Scientific Health Quizzes

Free Scientific Body Type Quiz:Free Scientific Body Type Quiz
Scientific Body Type Quiz (Official): Scientific Body Type Quiz (Official) - Digital Scientific Health Quizzes
Scientific Metabolism Quiz:Scientific Metabolism Quiz - Digital Scientific Health Quizzes
Scientific Diet Quiz:Scientific Diet Quiz - Digital Scientific Health Quizzes
Scientific Exercise Quiz:Scientific Exercise Quiz - Digital Scientific Health Quizzes
Scientific Lifestyle QuizScientific Lifestyle Quiz
Scientific Total Health QuizScientific Total Health Quiz
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