Answer #1 – Best Daily Life Advice: Evidence Souls are Real

Answer #1 – Best Daily Life Advice: Evidence Souls are Real

Best Daily Life Advice: Answers - Evidence Souls are Real

Hello Anonymous from Austin:

Great question, is there evidence souls are real? Yes, there is a lot of evidence that souls are real, and as modern science continues to advance and develop technology, more evidence will emerge.

Unfortunately, too many people out there have closed minds and think that somehow magically not knowing something, like whether souls are real or not, that not having and/or knowing about evidence, not having and/or knowing about proof, that this somehow means that science, really we humans, know everything about it, whatever it is, and that indeed it is not real and does not exist.

But that is simply not how science works. Science does not magically know something is not real or does not exist just because evidence or proof is lacking. We know less than 10% of what is in our oceans. Does that mean that the oceans and what are in them are not real, that they do not exist? We know less than 5% of what is under the sands in Egypt. Does that mean that there is nothing there (see satellite footage of the theft/looting during the Arab Spring – why so much digging/looting if there is nothing there of any importance)? We spend billions of dollars a year to cure cancer and for all the efforts made, we still do not really understand cancer as a whole, let alone have a cure. Does that mean that cancer really does not exist? We humans do not truly know our real history, back 100, 500, 1,000, 10,000, even 100,000 years or more. Does that mean history did not happen? In truth, we know so very little about anything at all, we have so very little evidence of most things, as our current science is so young and immature, all things relative. So, if we use your friend’s logic, very little is real or exists.

If it were true that souls are not real, then there would be evidence proving that the soul is not real. Your friend sounds too arrogant and ignorant (your words) to behave like a true scientist and research things more in-depth, but here is a list of current evidence that souls are indeed real, including nearly 50 years of research at the University of Virginia School of Medicine’s Division of Perceptual Studies.

Let me know if you have any further questions.

Sincerely, Gnosis

See Full Question & Answer: Insights from Gnosis: Evidence Souls are Real – Questions & Answers #1

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