Understanding Body Type One

Posted on March 20, 2019
Understanding Body Type One

Of The Four Body Types, A Body Type One has all 33 spinal vertebrae fully extended and most if not all muscle mass and such developed throughout the human body as a whole.

A Body Type One has a much higher probability of being physically symmetrical, strong (more times than not chiseled and/or ripped) and balanced, with solid posture, due to all vertebrae and muscle mass being development, usually fully. This body type has a much lower probability of being fat or obese at any level of obesity. A Body Type One would really have to abandon health to achieve to any degree of obesity and probabilities are very low it would ever experience a state of skinny fat/thin fat.
As well, due to the fact that a Body Type One can hold soul energy/star power very well thanks to so much properly developed muscle mass, depending on the level of soul energy/star power relative to the specific soul incarnated in the specific Body Type One, it is much more likely to achieve to higher if not the highest levels of being/stations in life, including fame, than lesser Body Types Two through Four.
Body Type One body typeBecause of all of this, Body Type One body types usually have more presence, resources, and success more readily in life overall than lesser Body Types Two, Three or Four. Because they have significantly increased tendencies to hold the energy so well and thus stand the heat on the public/national/world stage, most, but not all, A-list stars and the like are Body Type One body types, including actors, musicians, writers, artists, television personalities, directors, producers, politicians, business people, athletes, etc. It is sometimes referred to as an athletic body type or athletes body.
All that being said, although a Body Type One does usually have a direct and significant physical advantage in terms of vertebrae and muscle mass development over lesser Body Types Two through Four, that does not usually mean that it has any advantage in terms of mental ability, capacity, intelligence or such, nor emotional ability, capacity, maturity or such, nor spiritual ability, capacity, evolution or such. One cannot and must not underestimate the real importance of soul energy/star power in relation to body type and all these things.

Compare The Four Body Types

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