The Four Body Types & Star Power

Posted on July 10, 2019
The Four Body Types & Star Power

In response to the current nationwide and global obesity epidemic, Fellow One Research began intensive research on The Four Body Types & Star Power in 2003 with the focused goal in mind of figuring out why adult and childhood obesity, both now considered a disease by the Center for Disease Control (CDC), have become such a widespread epidemic.

According to the CDC, in 2015-2016, adult obesity reached 39.8% here in the United States, affecting nearly 93.3 million adults. Equally alarming is the data on childhood obesity, affecting about 13.7 million children and adolescents, which translates to 18.5%. Across age groups, being more common among certain populations, childhood obesity data breaks down as follows:
13.9%  2- to 5-year-olds
18.4% among 6- to 11-year-olds
20.6% among 12- to 19-year-olds
in 2016, globally, according to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 1.9 billion adults (18 years and older) were overweight with more than 650 million qualifying as being obese. That equates to 39% of adults aged 18 years or older as being overweight in 2016, with 13% being obese. In terms of childhood obesity, 41 million children 5-years old and younger were overweight or obese in 2016, while more than 340 million children and adolescents between the ages of 5-19 were overweight or obese in 2016.
The data is clear and overwhelming. Obesity is a global epidemic that is wreaking havoc on human health as well as healthcare systems, economies, governments, the environment, and the like. Why? What do The Four Body Types & Star Power have to do with all of this?

The Four Body Types & Star Power Illustration

Diet, exercise, and lifestyle most certainly play key roles. Poor quality food that lacks nutrition, lazy, sedentary lifestyles that lack sufficient, proper exercise, and abuse of sugar, alcohol, and other substances are all well-known culprits. Yet for many people who battle with obesity day-in and day-out, they simply cannot overcome their struggles and tendency towards obesity, no matter how proper their diet, exercise, or lifestyle. Even when they do lose the weight, with many achieving their ideal weight, they do not feel well, they cannot keep the weight off in the long-term, and they cannot stay off the unpleasant weight-loss roller coaster ride. Again, why? What other variables are involved?
Hormones and genetics/DNA definitely play a real role. But even then, many people will never achieve or have the ideal figure that most Hollywood stars flaunt, no matter how hard they work in terms of their diet, exercise, and lifestyle. Many more people turn to bariatric surgery, more specialized diets like enhanced carb-cutting, and so forth, but still, they do not find the full relief they seek.
As a researcher at Fellow One Research, I know the roller coaster ride of obesity. I know all these trial and tribulations because, being a Body Type Four, I have experienced and suffered through most of them, while giving serious consideration to the rest. Not being a fan of surgery or modifying the body inorganically, I began to look at the structure of the human body itself. In all my years of battling with obesity, I began to notice that one thing seriously lacking with my body was muscle mass. Even after years upon years of serious weight-lifting, my body never looked like a ripped A-list celebrities body. I was able to put on muscle mass, but most certainly not symmetrically, and many areas of my body just did not have muscle mass. No matter what weight lifting exercises I did to build the specific muscles in my stomach, I could never build my abdominal muscles. No matter how many crunches or different abdominal and lower back exercises I did, no matter what strategy and approach I tried, my body just mysteriously lacked so much muscle mass throughout. Again, I asked, why?
As the research progressed, I began to notice after appropriately observing friends and other people’s bodies that my body was very different. Especially when looking at my back in the mirror and comparing to others. Oddly, I just did not have any muscle mass on so much of my back, even after years of weight lifting and cardio. Although I was healthy, all things considered, my body still had a lot of fat on it. Most everywhere. WHY?
As my focus honed in on the spine and vertebrae, I noticed that on some bodies, the muscle mass was readily apparent coming off each vertebra. With these types of people, they seemed to easily put on muscle mass from weight lifting. Hell, most of them seem to easily put on muscle mass by doing nothing at all, other than just being, day-to-day. Then there were people like me who had little sign of any muscle mass coming off most vertebra. The few vertebrae that did show signs of muscle mass, those were the muscles that would show strong signs of growth from weight lifting. But I had so few vertebrae with muscle mass, that the weight lifting really left my body looking very asymmetrical. And, again, most of my body was fat, regardless of all my weight-lifting and cardio efforts over the years.
It began to dawn on me that maybe some body types have less muscle mass developed naturally, while other body types have more muscle mass developed naturally. As I zeroed in on my new hypothesis, The Four Body Types & Star Power definitions were born. The hypothesis grew into a theory, and the research led to the Restructuring Process.

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