Research Participant 1 – Body Type Four (BT4) Male (Man), Generation X

FORCA?Fellow One Research Combined Average (FORCA) Health Score which Averages the Self-Determined (SD) Health & FORC Health Scores [5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy]. This score is in beta testing.


FORTH?Fellow One Research Total Health (FORTH) Score [5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy]. This score is in beta testing.


FORMR?Fellow One Research Metabolism Rate (FORMR) Adjusted Mifflin St Jeor Equation BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) Score. This score is in beta testing.

Normal Metabolism

Mifflin St Jeor BMR: 1680.05

Adjusted Mifflin St Jeor: 1653.17

FORMA?Fellow One Research Metabolism Activity (FORMA) Adjusted Harris-Benedict Equation Activity Score. This score is in beta testing.

Increased Metabolic Rate

Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculation


BMI Minimal, Moderate, High Risk

Minimal Risk

Research Participant 1 – Body Type Four (BT4) Male (Man), Generation X

Fellow One Research Participant Gnosis Gnostic Bio Summary – Body Type Two (BT2) (Was a Body Type Four)

I have studied The Four Body Types and I believe I am a Body Type Two (BT2). Obesity has been a very serious problem in my life. My obesity problems started in my life between age 6 and age 10. I was at my heaviest weight when I reached 270 pounds at age 33. The most weight I ever lost was 110 pounds when I was 36. I have not been successful at keeping all that weight off to date. I gained back 5 of those pounds in a span of 40+ month(s).

My ride on the obesity weight gain & loss roller coaster ride has been severe & I can't get off it. If/when I put fat weight on my body, it is most likely that I will put the fat weight on in relation to: inner/back lower leg/calves/shins, back knees, upper leg/front thighs, upper leg/inner thighs, upper leg/back thighs, upper leg/outer thighs, buttocks, lower midriff/waist/hips, midriff/abdomen/belly, upper midriff/diaphragm, upper chest/pectoral/breast, shoulders, upper arms/front/biceps, upper arms/back/triceps, inner upper arms/under arms, middle back, lower back, lower side trunk/love handles, upper side trunk, neck, face, head, as accurately as I can figure. I attribute mostly my unbalanced genetics/DNA to my obesity problems. On average, obesity is common in my family.

Upon careful examination of my spine, vertebra(e) (posture), and muscle/muscle mass, I am confident that the following vertebra(e) in my body are underdeveloped if not undeveloped: cervical 1, cervical 2, cervical 3, cervical 4, cervical 5, cervical 6, cervical 7, thoracic 1, thoracic 2, thoracic 3, thoracic 4, thoracic 5, thoracic 6, thoracic 7, thoracic 8, thoracic 9, thoracic 10, thoracic 11, thoracic 12, lumbar 1, lumbar 2, lumbar 3, lumbar 4, lumbar 5, sacrum, coccyx, as best I can surmise. I am confident I am a Body Type Four (BT4) because I have between eighteen (18) and twenty-six (26) vertebrae undeveloped. I am quite sure my body does not look identical to a Body Type One (BT1) with all muscles developed & defined. My body has not always had the fully developed BT1 classic arch, dimples, vertebrae (posture), and muscle mass. I am certain I do not have the fully developed BT1 classic arch and dimples, which strengthens my belief I'm not a BT1.

Fellow One Research Participant Gnosis Gnostic Identifies as a Body Type Two (BT2) (The Four Body Types)
Biological Gender: Male (Man)
Current Height: 5'11 inches
Current Weight: 165 pounds
General Age: 40-Something
Actual Age: 47 years old
Generation: Generation X
Biological Origin: Mostly Caucasian/White and/or of European Descent
Country: United States
Fellow One Research Participant - The Four Body Types Identifier
Fellow One Research Identifies this ‘The Four Body Types’ Research Participant’s Body Type as a:
Body Type Four (BT4) -- NOTE: To Date, Successfully Achieved to a Body Type Two (BT2) With Proprietary Experimental Exercises
Basic Self-Determined Research Participant Health Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)
Basic Calculated Fellow One Research Participant Health Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)**


What Does My Body Type Two (BT2) Mean?

Life is all about balance. Unbalance allows a human being to truly understand balance by recognizing, honestly, what their unbalances truly are. All be it some more than others, all human beings are unbalanced physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, at least to some extent. But most human beings are very unbalanced and unhealthy. The more unbalanced the body type (BT4 is the most unbalanced body type), including metabolism, the more physical work the specific individual person has to do to bring their human body into a state of true physical balance (BT1).


Body Type One (BT1): Physically balanced (Anatomy Standard).

*Fully developed vertebrae, spinal extension (posture), and muscle.
*33 out of 33 Vertebrae Developed and Extended, relative to the 24 Moveable & Two Fixed Bones (0 Vertebrae Undeveloped/Underdeveloped)
*Very Low to Low probabilities of experiencing obesity in the short and long-terms.
*High tendencies to be symmetrical and attractive.
*Mental (mind), emotional (energy in motion), and spiritual (soul/soul energy/star power/IT Factor) balance matters equally as much as physical (body/genetics/DNA) balance.

Body Type Two (BT2): Less Physically Balanced.

*Mostly developed vertebrae, spinal extension (posture), and muscle.
*32 to 22 out of 33 Vertebrae Developed and Extended, relative to the 24 Moveable & Two Fixed Bones (1-8 Vertebrae Undeveloped/Underdeveloped)
*Low to Medium probabilities of experiencing obesity in the short and long-terms.
*Moderate tendencies to be symmetrical and attractive.
*Mental (mind), emotional (energy in motion), and spiritual (soul/soul energy/star power/IT Factor) balance matters equally as much if not more (to make up for physical unbalances) while the BT2 person is achieving to physical (body/genes/DNA) balance.

Body Type Three (BT3): More Physically Unbalanced.

*Moderate to mostly undeveloped vertebrae, spinal extension (posture), and muscle.
*21 to 11 out of 33 Vertebrae Developed and Extended, relative to the 24 Moveable & Two Fixed Bones (9-17 Vertebrae Undeveloped/Underdeveloped)
*Medium to High probabilities of experiencing obesity in the short and long-terms.
*Moderate tendencies to be asymmetrical and unattractive.
*Mental (mind), emotional (energy in motion), and spiritual (soul/soul energy/star power/IT Factor) balance matters even more (to make up for physical unbalances) while the BT3 person is achieving to physical (body/genetics/DNA) balance.

Body Type Four (BT4): Mostly to Fully Physically Unbalanced.

*Mostly to completely undeveloped vertebrae, spinal extension (posture), and muscle.
*10 to 0 out of 33 Vertebrae Developed and Extended, relative to the 24 Moveable & Two Fixed Bones (18-26 Vertebrae Undeveloped/Underdeveloped)
*High to Very High probabilities of experiencing obesity in the short and long-terms.
*High tendencies to be asymmetrical and unattractive.
*Mental (mind), emotional (energy in motion), and spiritual (soul/soul energy/star power/IT Factor) balance matters even that much more (to make up for physical unbalances) while the BT4 person is achieving to physical (body/genes/DNA) balance.

More Fellow One Research Participant Data – Gnosis Gnostic & Skinny Fat, Back Pain, Diet, Exercise, Lifestyle

Skinny Fat & Back Pain

Skinny Fat, Cellulite, Loose Skin

The Four (4) Body Types - Body Type Quiz (Male/Man/Men) Results, Test Participant 1 Gnosis Gnostic - Body Type Four (BT4), Fellow One ResearchSkinny fat has been a very serious problem in my life overall. I have experienced the skinny fat phenomenon in the past and/but I am presently experiencing the skinny fat phenomenon in my life. After reviewing my body, I am experiencing and/or have experienced skinny fat including thin fat, cellulite, crepey skin, loose skin, saggy skin, and/or normal weight obesity relative to: upper leg/front thighs, upper leg/inner thighs, upper leg/back thighs, upper leg/outer thighs, buttocks, lower midriff/waist/hips, midriff/abdomen/belly, upper midriff/diaphragm, upper chest/pectoral/breast, upper arms/front/biceps, upper arms/back/triceps, inner upper arms/under arms, upper back, middle back, lower back, lower side trunk/love handles, upper side trunk, as far as I can tell.

On average, I experience back aches and pain. I feel back aches and pains in my body in relation to: cervical 1, cervical 2, cervical 3, cervical 4, cervical 5, cervical 6, cervical 7, thoracic 1, thoracic 2, thoracic 3, thoracic 4, thoracic 5, thoracic 6, thoracic 7, thoracic 8, thoracic 9, thoracic 10, thoracic 11, thoracic 12, lumbar 1, lumbar 2, lumbar 3, lumbar 4, lumbar 5, sacrum, and it is directly relative to my Body Type Two (BT2).

Diet (Food & Drink/Hydration)

Basic Self-Determined Research Participant Diet Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)
Basic Calculated Fellow One Research Participant Diet Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)**

My daily diet is very healthy overall. I would say my diet is evenly mixed omnivore. I eat 3 meals per day and they are all nutritionally balanced. I eat mostly whole, organic food. I drink alcohol once to a few times per month following the recommended 1 glass/day women/2 per day men. I drink no less than the equivalent of 8, 8 ounce glasses of clean water daily and am very hydrated.

Cardio & Resistance (Weight Lifting, Calisthenics (Body Weight), Isometrics/Gravity) Exercise Training

Basic Self-Determined Research Participant Exercise Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)
Basic Calculated Fellow One Research Participant Exercise Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)**

Body Type Test (Male/Men) Results, Quiz Participant 1 Gnosis Gnostic - Body Type Four (BT4), Fellow One Research The Four Body TypesMy weekly cardio exercise training routine is very healthy. I do cardio exercise 6x per week. My training is 45 minutes per day. I like the following types of cardio activities: walking, hiking, and the like.

My weekly resistance exercise training routine is healthy. I do resistance training 30 minutes per day; 4x per week. I enjoy the following kinds of resistance exercise training activities: weightlifting/weight-training, isometrics (gravity), as it stands now.

My daily work/job/career is slightly strenuous/active, I at least walk/move a fair amount.

Lifestyle (Career, Relationships, Travel, Hobbies, Sleep, etc.)

Basic Self-Determined Research Participant Lifestyle Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)
Basic Calculated Fellow One Research Participant LifestyleScore (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)**

Fellow One Research, The Four Body Types - Body Type Quiz /Test (Male/Man) Results, Participant 1 Gnosis Gnostic - Body Type Four (BT4)My lifestyle overall is healthy. I get 7.5 to 9.0 hours of sleep per day/night on average. My daily/nightly sleep, on average, is of questionable quality as I can toss & turn, awaking refreshed slightly to moderately each morning. I find I am happiest when I partake in the following lifestyle activities: career/job/work, family relationships, platonic relationships-friendships, professional/business relationships, hobbies, spiritual/religious practice/soul searching, entertainment outlets, and such. Over the past 6 months, my average daily stress levels have been moderate.

I am not currently dealing with a doctor-diagnosed hormone imbalance that negatively affects my weight. No, my doctor(s) has never diagnosed me with a hormone imbalance that negatively affected my weight. No, a licensed medical doctor has never diagnosed me with a specific malformation, underdevelopment, abnormality, or the like.

If my diet, exercise, and lifestyle were all very healthy my body would not look 100% identical to a Body Type One (BT1) with all muscles/muscle mass properly developed. My genetics/DNA are the main reason for my body type shape; diet, exercise, and lifestyle an indirect reason. Yes, the soul is very real and definitely plays a direct part in human health.

**Elite Athletes and the Like May Skew Results

Fellow One Research Participant, The Four Body Types’ Free Body Type Shape Quiz Calculator – One Question I Would Like Answered:

How Can I Change/Alter My Body Type & Shape?

14 thoughts on “Research Participant 1 – Body Type Four (BT4) Male (Man), Generation X

  1. Comment #548

    There are no viable photos of Research Participant 1's Body Type Four (BT4) as the span of time when they reached their heaviest weight was roughly 2007 to 2010. The first iPhone came out in June 2007. Technically, digital photo technology at that time was nowhere near as user-friendly and convenient as it is nowadays. More to the point, anyone who has read the Over Privileged White Guy Book by Walter Hego knows that Fellow One Research resources were basically non-existent in that time frame, so there was no available money to acquire the proper resources as well as purchase proper photography equipment and the like to take proper photos of their BT4 at that time, let alone process the photos.

  2. Comment #3447

    Comment Type: Diet

    Diet Type: Breakfast

    Ingredients: Organic Rolled Oats, Roasted Unsalted Almonds, Wild Organic Blueberries, Organic Apple Sauce, Organic Honey, Sea Salt, Filtered Water, (sometimes) Organic Cinnamon, Organic Kefir, Wild Honey

    Calories: 500

    Meal Name: Organic Oatmeal Delight

    I use a medium-size bowl to mix and eat oatmeal out of it. To the medium bowl, add roasted unsalted almonds, wild organic blueberries, and organic apple sauce as well as organic/sustainable wild honey, organic cinnamon, and sea salt to taste.

    Once the filtered water is boiling, pour into the bowl filling about halfway. Cover hot water as you may need a little more later and do you not want lukewarm or cool water.

    Slowly add the rolled (quick) oats mixing thoroughly as you do. This will take some time, don't rush it. When mixed quite well, I then (sometimes) add just enough organic kefir (I do not heat it) to fill the remaining space in the bowl. The better you get at doing all of this, the creamer and more delicious the bowl of oatmeal.

    PS: Oatmeal adheres to the Blue Zone Mediterranean Diet and has limitless ingredient possibilities, so test things out and see what your bowl includes.

  3. Comment #3452

    Comment Type: Diet

    Diet Type: Lunch

    Ingredients: Organic No Salt Added Tomato Pasta Sauce Or Puree Or Paste, Organic Veggies Including Spinach, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Kale, Brussel Sprouts, Carrots, Peas, Yellow Corn, Green Beans, Squash, Red Peppers, Zucchini, Onions, Mushrooms, Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Organic Cayenne Pepper, Organic Turmeric, Sea Salt, Organic Chicken Breast, Organic Quinoa, Organic Pasta Including Quinoa & Brown Rice, Red Lentil, And/Or Black Bean, Filtered Water

    Calories: 900

    Meal Name: Organic Mixed Vegetables Tomato Sauce With Chicken And/Or Pasta

    Add all Main and Secondary Vegetables with filtered water, pasta sauce, puree, and/or paste to a small or medium pot, turn the stove on high. Add cayenne pepper, turmeric, and sea salt to taste. Use additional filtered water as needed; not too much though as your sauce will become to runny.

    Main Base Vegetables: at least four (4) out of the six (6), as follows: spinach, cauliflower, kale, Brussel sprouts, broccoli, and/or tomato sauce (spices), puree, or paste.

    Add some (or all if you want) of the following Secondary Vegetables for extra nutrients, including fiber, and flavor: carrots, peas, yellow corn, green beans, squash, red peppers, zucchini, onions, mushrooms, or the like.

    Cook on high, stirring and watching very carefully, for 5 to 10 minutes. When the vegetables look fully cooked, turn the stove off, crack the lid, and let any extra water boil off. The better you get at doing this, the better your sauce will be. Practice makes perfect.

    If you use organic chicken breast for protein - properly broil the chicken breast, organic is recommended if possible, in a glass cooking dish with a glass lid until fully cooked (I use avocado oil to coat the glass container)

    If organic quinoa & brown rice, red lentil, and/or black bean pasta - properly prepare with filtered water as per the quinoa or pasta directions until fully cooked.

    Add organic chicken and let things cool and/or add your choice of pasta (AFTER the sauce has cooled enough so the pasta does not dissolve). Stir thoroughly. Add the organic extra virgin olive oil and sea salt (if any) to taste. Finish stirring. Enjoy.

    This Blue Zone Mediterranean Diet meal can be done many ways.

    NOTE: if the chicken is already cooled or cold from being in the fridge, add it to the sauce and vegetables as they cook.

  4. Comment #3455

    Comment Type: Exercise

    Exercise Type: Cardio

    Cardio Type: Hiking

    Duration: 0.75 hours

    Time of Day: Late-Afternoon

    Total Step Count: 5500

    Intensity: Moderately Intense

    I love hiking. It is more than just great cardio exercise. Getting out into nature helps relieve stress, maintain sanity, increase heart rate, and is grounding. It is more of a walking meditation, although how much so depends on how much traffic is on the trail chosen that day. The foothills of the Sangre de Christo mountains are lovely and unique. Offering red earth trails and mostly coniferous trees and shrubs with the occasional deciduous here and there, wildlife can vary from lizards, snakes, deer, squirrels, rabbits, and a diversity of birds including hummingbirds, to the rare elk, bear, or mountain lion. Insects are at a minimum which is very nice.

    Usually, the trail chosen has an excellent range of elevation, obstacles, and intensity, with steep inclines (ascents) and declines (descents) mixed in with more level stretches to even things out.

  5. Comment #3456

    Comment Type: Diet

    Diet Type: Snack

    Ingredients: Water, Pure Filtered

    Calories: 0 (Zero)

    Meal Name: Water

    When I am feeling hungry, before I reach for food I drink a glass of filtered/purified, clean water. Several glasses if need be. I will occasionally add a few drops of lemon or lime juice. I use a heavy-duty under-the-counter carbon filter as a pre-filter and then double filter with a Pur Water Pitcher filter to get out lead, mercury, copper, other heavy metals, radiation, pesticides & pharmaceuticals (as many as possible), chlorine, etc.

    I also drink water when hiking.

  6. Comment #3467

    Comment Type: Lifestyle

    Lifestyle Type: General

    Stress Level: Low

    Subject: Skinny Fat/Cellulite/Crepey Skin/Normal Weight Obesity - Inside Upper Legs/Thighs//Groin, Buttocks, Inside Upper Arms/Biceps/Triceps & Underarms

    I have dealt with skinny fat due to normal weight obesity all my life. I regularly use the Restructuring Process Exercises (see end of this Comment below). They were specifically developed to utilize isometrics (contracting of muscles) with gravity (weight) along with added weights (mimic added gravity), as needed, to fix posture and add proper muscles/mass to my body as well as slowly get rid of cellulite and skinny fat over time. It has taken 25 years to figure everything out to this point, with so much more work to be done...

    Cellulite and crepey, loose skin (thin fat) originally covered a good portion of the thigh and upper leg down to the knee (if you look closely you can still see traces of skinny fat towards the knee). Now it really only exists in the high inside upper legs towards the groin, thanks to nearly two decades of diligent effort (keep in mind that I started as a Body Type Four - see Body Type Quiz results above - with very little muscle/mass anywhere on my body). Hard work including well-chosen diet and lifestyle changes along with building muscles and muscle mass via Restructuring Process isometrics exercises coupled with weightlifting as well as copious walking and hiking cardio exercise.

    As well, cellulite and crepey, loose skin originally covered most of my upper arms, underarms, inner biceps & triceps (very little muscle). The skinny fat in this area of my body is also significantly less nowadays due to almost two decades of consistent, ambitious hard work building muscles and muscle mass by weightlifting and Restructuring Process isometric exercises while living a clean lifestyle and diet.

    And, just to be very clear, no you cannot blame the skinny fat and normal weight obesity on age/aging. I have dealt with it all of my life and it has actually gotten much better due to all my hard work over the past 20 years, no less. The fact is, when you start as a Body Type Four (BT4) with almost no muscle anywhere on your body and mostly skinny fat/normal weight obesity, it takes a lot of time and effort to truly fix. There are no shortcuts. There are no magic pills or creams or the like that will get rid of cellulite.


    1) Restructuring Process Exercise #1 - Isometrics (Gravity) - With Weights (Mimicking Added Gravity)

    2) Restructuring Process Exercise #2 - Isometrics (Gravity) - With Bar-Weight (Mimicking Added Gravity)

    3) Restructuring Process Exercise #3 - Isometrics (Gravity) - Standard Gravity (No Weights)

    4) Restructuring Process Exercise #4 - Isometrics (Gravity) - ReWalking (No Weights)

    5) Restructuring Process Exercise #5 - Isometrics (Gravity) - ReWalking With Weights (Mimicking Added Gravity)

    6) Restructuring Process Exercise #6 - Isometrics (Gravity) - ReWalking With Bar-Weight (Mimicking Added Gravity)

    *Check Back Regularly As New Exercises Are Added Weekly

    • Comment #3478

      Thanks for the telling videos and image.

      It does make one wonder why when visiting any mainstream doctor's office they have the same general Standard Scientific Human Body Anatomy Book Body Type One (BT1) image (see attached) in their office showing what the standard human body looks like fully developed, including vertebrae (posture) and muscles/mass. That human body image is considered by mainstream doctors and scientists to be the model of perfection (unless a licensed medical doctor has diagnosed you with a specific malformation, underdevelopment, abnormality, or the like). It is the standard that all human beings are held to when it comes to overall health. That perfect standard that a very tiny few — probably less than 10% of the entire human population — actually meet and are.

      Countless people around the world are dealing with skinny fat (thin fat, cellulite, crepey skin, loose skin, saggy skin, normal weight obesity), even though they are within their scientifically/medically safe BMI weight range. When they ask their doctor why and where is the muscle/mass, likely the only answer given is they must somehow be cheating in terms of their diet, exercise, and/or lifestyle, even though, again, they are within their safe BMI weight range. That explanation simply does not add up. So, why are so many people like you dealing with or have dealt with obesity/normal weight obesity/skinny fat in their life even though they are within their safe BMI weight range and have a healthy diet, exercise, and lifestyle?

      The fact is, any part of the human body can be undeveloped or underdeveloped, to whatever degree, including vertebrae (posture) and muscles/muscle mass, which is directly influenced by genetics/DNA/genes. Yout quiz results above offer great insight with solid evidence and facts.

  7. Comment #3468

    Comment Type: Diet

    Diet Type: Dinner

    Ingredients: Wild Boreal Blueberries, Whey Protein Powder, Hawaiian Spirulina Powder, Organic: Mango, Pineapple, Strawberries, Raspberries, Cherries, Banana, Pea Protein Powder, Flax Seed Oil With Lignan, Unsulphured Blackstrap Molasses

    Calories: 850

    Meal Name: Organic Fruit Protein Smoothy

    After turning 40-year-old, I began to notice that my body was indeed changing. Less energy, a decline in sleep quality, an increase in wrinkles, decrease in vision, and the like.

    I took a closer look at my diet, exercise, and lifestyle. Due to dealing with normal weight obesity and skinny fat all my life, I have been very diligent with my diet, exercise, and lifestyle since my early 20's (read the Over Privileged White Guy Book to learn more). So, upon crossing the 40-year mark and believing all the current scientific literature and points of view from older people, etc. it was easy at first to just chalk things up to aging.

    But, once I cleaned up the water (which turned out to be toxic well water) I was drinking by double filtering it with high-quality filters, cutting out all sugar except organic blackstrap molasses and honey in moderation, reducing alcohol, coffee, and caffeinated tea to a few times a year on special occasions, and reevaluating my daily meals, I found that those changes made all the difference.

    Drinking more pure, clean water each day was in some ways miraculous. Wrinkles faded, hair growth returned, eyesight improved, skin looked healthier, energy increased (I was a hyperactive kid so energy was never a problem), and I just felt better all around.

    By shifting the organic fruit protein smoothy to the evening and consuming it no later than 8:00 pm or so, my deep, quality sleep returned within weeks.

    I use a Ninja Blender. I fill it with frozen wild boreal blueberries along with organic: mango, strawberries, and banana as my base fruit. Depending on the day, I then add organic frozen raspberries, pineapple, cherries, and/or blackberries. After adding a small amount of filtered water, I do an initial blend of the fruit.

    I then add organic flax oil with lignan, powdered Hawaiian spirulina, organic blackstrap molasses, and high-quality whey protein powder (2 scoops) which includes kefir and probiotics. I blend all that very well. Finally, i add the organic pea protein powder (2 scoops). After a final thorough blend, if I have done it right, the organic fruit smoothy is more like mousse. Delicious and very filling, with minimal energy needed for digestion and no heavy food to digest to disrupt my sleep.

    I will mix up during the week and leave out the whey and spirulina or such. Even doing intermittent fasting.

    If it were not for consistent back pain throughout the night most nights, I would sleep like a baby through the night. But, even when I wake up to shift to alleviate the back pain due to lack of muscle mass and poor posture (underdeveloped/undeveloped vertebrae), it is not hard to go back to sleep most nights.

  8. Comment #3562

    Comment Type: Exercise

    Exercise Type: Resistance

    Resistance Type: Isometrics (Gravity)

    Duration: 0.25 hours

    Time of Day: Late-Afternoon

    Name: Restructuring Process Exercise #1 - Isometrics (Gravity) - With Weights (Mimicking Added Gravity)

    Intensity: Moderately Intense

    Restructuring Process Exercise #1 - Isometrics (Gravity) - With Weights (Mimicking Added Gravity)

    Gravity is a constant weight always pushing down on the human body and causing its muscles and bones, no less, to work. Isometrics is the building of muscle(s) by contracting and holding muscle(s) for as long as you can until you feel the burn, just like in regular weightlifting, calisthenics (body weight), yoga, pilates, or the like.

    The added weight in this Restructuring Process exercise mimics additional gravity.

    This Restructuring Process exercise must be done with great caution as it is working the spine, vertebrae, posture, and relative muscles to build the proper muscles to improve posture. Learning yoga or the like is recommended to help get to know your spine and vertebrae better. Also, keep in mind that I have been doing this work now for 18+ years, so I am well-versed in my spine, vertebrae, posture, and what I am capable of doing safely.


    Restructuring Process Exercise #1 - Benefits

    By doing this exercise, which is roughly 3 minutes in duration, you are:

    1) improving posture, muscle tone, and muscle mass by mimicking the weight of gravity in harmony with your body's spinal column and vertebra(e), improving overall spinal extension (posture). Reduce and eventually get rid of cellulite over time.

    2) As you build muscle(s) and improve your posture gradually over time, unlike repetition exercise(s) like weightlifting that do, indeed, build muscle(s) but also readily lose that same built muscle once you cease doing the repetition exercise(s), if you do this Restructuring Process exercise right, gravity will always be working against your body and thus the muscle(s) you build will hang around for the long-term.

    3) As you build muscle(s), depending on which spinal vertebrae you are working, you may have to learn how to walk correctly again. Tune in to more videos to learn more.

  9. Comment #3569

    Comment Type: Exercise

    Exercise Type: Resistance

    Resistance Type: Isometrics (gravity)

    Duration: 0.25 hours

    Time of Day: Late Morning

    Name: Restructuring Process Exercise #2 - Isometrics (Gravity) - With Bar-Weight (Mimicking Added Gravity)

    Intensity: Moderately Intense

    Restructuring Process Exercise #2 - Isometrics (Gravity) - With Bar-Weight (Mimicking Added Gravity)

    Gravity is a constant weight always pushing down on the human body and causing its muscles and bones, no less, to work. Isometrics is the building of muscle(s) by contracting and holding muscle(s) for as long as you can until you feel the burn, just like in regular weightlifting, calisthenics (body weight), yoga, pilates, or the like.

    The added weight in this Restructuring Process exercise mimics additional gravity.

    This Restructuring Process exercise must be done with great caution as it is working the spine, vertebrae, posture, and relative muscles to build the proper muscles to improve posture. Learning yoga or the like is recommended to help get to know your spine and vertebrae better. Also, keep in mind that I have been doing this work now for 18+ years, so I am well-versed in my spine, vertebrae, posture, and what I am capable of doing safely.


    Restructuring Process Exercise #2 - Benefits

    By doing this exercise, which is roughly 5 minutes in duration, you are:

    1) improving posture, muscle tone, and muscle mass by mimicking the weight of gravity in harmony with your body's spinal column and vertebra(e), improving overall spinal extension (posture). Reduce and eventually get rid of cellulite over time.

    2) As you build muscle(s) and improve your posture gradually over time, unlike repetition exercise(s) like weightlifting that do, indeed, build muscle(s) but also readily lose that same built muscle once you cease doing the repetition exercise(s), if you do this Restructuring Process exercise right, gravity will always be working against your body and thus the muscle(s) you build will hang around for the long-term.

    3) As you build muscle(s), depending on which spinal vertebrae you are working, you may have to learn how to walk correctly again. Tune in to more videos to learn more.

  10. Comment #3593

    Comment Type: Exercise

    Exercise Type: Resistance

    Resistance Type: Isometrics (gravity)

    Duration: 0.25 hours

    Time of Day: Early Afternoon

    Name: Restructuring Process Exercise #3 - Isometrics (Gravity) - Standard Gravity (No Weights)

    Intensity: Moderately Intense

    Restructuring Process Exercise #3 - Isometrics (Gravity) - Standard Gravity (No Weights)

    Gravity is a constant weight always pushing down on the human body and causing its muscles and bones, no less, to work. Isometrics is the building of muscle(s) by contracting and holding muscle(s) for as long as you can until you feel the burn, just like in regular weightlifting, calisthenics (body weight), yoga, pilates, or the like.

    This Restructuring Process exercise must be done with great caution as it is working the spine, vertebrae, posture, and relative muscles to build the proper muscles to improve posture. Learning yoga or the like is recommended to help get to know your spine and vertebrae better. Also, keep in mind that I have been doing this work now for 18+ years, so I am well-versed in my spine, vertebrae, posture, and what I am capable of doing safely.


    Restructuring Process Exercise #3 - Benefits

    By doing this exercise, which is roughly 6 minutes in duration, you are:

    1) improving posture, muscle tone, and muscle mass by mimicking the weight of gravity in harmony with your body's spinal column and vertebra(e), improving overall spinal extension (posture). Reduce and eventually get rid of cellulite over time.

    2) As you build muscle(s) and improve your posture gradually over time, unlike repetition exercise(s) like weightlifting that do, indeed, build muscle(s) but also readily lose that same built muscle once you cease doing the repetition exercise(s), if you do this Restructuring Process exercise right, gravity will always be working against your body and thus the muscle(s) you build will hang around for the long-term.

    3) As you build muscle(s), depending on which spinal vertebrae you are working, you may have to learn how to walk correctly again. Tune in to more videos to learn more.

  11. Comment #3659

    Comment Type: Exercise

    Exercise Type: Resistance

    Resistance Type: Isometrics (gravity)

    Duration: 0.25 hours

    Time of Day: Early Afternoon

    Name: Restructuring Process Exercise #4 - Isometrics (Gravity) - ReWalking (No Weights)

    Intensity: Somewhat Intense

    Restructuring Process Exercise #4 - Isometrics (Gravity) - ReWalking (No Weights)

    This Restructuring Process exercise must be done with great caution as it is working the spine, vertebrae, posture, and relative muscles to build the proper muscles to improve posture. Learning yoga or the like is recommended to help get to know your spine and vertebrae better. Also, keep in mind that I have been doing this work now for 18+ years, so I am well-versed in my spine, vertebrae, posture, and what I am capable of doing safely.

    This particular example of this exercise is only somewhat intense. As you get better at doing all the Restructuring Process Exercises and building muscle relative to gravity, you can do this exercise longer and add intensity and difficulty. I will do this while hiking, which greatly adds to intensity and difficulty with more obstacles and people to avoid and be aware of, which stretches attention and makes it harder to keep the proper walk posture. But as you get better and better at it, you will eventually achieve the "new" walk, as the old (current) walk becomes a thing of the past.

    One day you will simply be walking the "new" walk, and then move on to the next vertebra(e)/muscle(s) to begin a new routine of achieving to walking/ReWalking; rinse and repeated over time until all vertebrae and muscles are properly built and balanced. As you do this, you will slowly watch cellulite and crepey skin disappear. If you are dealing with excess saggy/loose skin from serious weight loss, unfortunately, the only way to get rid of excess saggy/loose skin is medical surgery by a licensed doctor.


    Restructuring Process Exercise #4 - Benefits

    By doing this exercise, which is roughly 3 minutes in duration, you are:

    1) improving posture, muscle tone, and muscle mass by mimicking the weight of gravity in harmony with your body's spinal column and vertebra(e), improving overall spinal extension (posture). Reduce and eventually get rid of cellulite over time.

    2) As you build muscle(s) and improve your posture gradually over time, unlike repetition exercise(s) like weightlifting that do, indeed, build muscle(s) but also readily lose that same built muscle once you cease doing the repetition exercise(s), if you do this Restructuring Process exercise right, gravity will always be working against your body and thus the muscle(s) you build will hang around for the long-term.

    3) As you build muscle(s) relative to each spinal vertebrae you are working, learning how to ReWalk correctly very likely will be part of your process. Tune in to more videos to learn more about how to add weight to ReWalking exercises.

  12. Comment #3755

    Comment Type: Exercise

    Exercise Type: Resistance

    Resistance Type: Isometrics (gravity)

    Duration: 0.25 hours

    Time of Day: Early Afternoon

    Name: Restructuring Process Exercise #5 - Isometrics (Gravity) - ReWalking With Weights (Mimicking Added Gravity)

    Intensity: Moderately Intense

    Restructuring Process Exercise #5 - Isometrics (Gravity) - ReWalking With Weights (Mimicking Added Gravity)

    This Restructuring Process exercise must be done with great caution as it is working the spine, vertebrae, posture, and relative muscles to build the proper muscles to improve posture. Learning yoga or the like is recommended to help get to know your spine and vertebrae better. Also, keep in mind that I have been doing this work now for 18+ years, so I am well-versed in my spine, vertebrae, posture, and what I am capable of doing safely.

    As you get better at doing all the Restructuring Process Exercises and building muscle relative to gravity, you can do this exercise longer and add weight to increase intensity and difficulty. As you get better and better at it, you will eventually achieve the "new" walk, as the old (current) walk becomes a thing of the past.

    One day you will simply be walking the "new" walk, and then move on to the next vertebra(e)/muscle(s) to begin a new routine of achieving to walking/ReWalking; rinse and repeat over time until all vertebrae and muscles are properly built and balanced. As you do this, you will slowly watch cellulite and crepey skin disappear. If you are dealing with excess saggy/loose skin from serious weight loss, unfortunately, the only way to get rid of excess saggy/loose skin is medical surgery by a licensed doctor.


    Restructuring Process Exercise #5 - Benefits

    By doing this exercise, which is just shy of 6 minutes in duration, you are:

    1) improving posture, muscle tone, and muscle mass by mimicking the weight of gravity in harmony with your body's spinal column and vertebra(e), improving overall spinal extension (posture). Reduce and eventually get rid of cellulite over time.

    2) As you build muscle(s) and improve your posture gradually over time, unlike repetition exercise(s) like weightlifting that do, indeed, build muscle(s) but also readily lose that same built muscle once you cease doing the repetition exercise(s), if you do this Restructuring Process exercise right, gravity will always be working against your body and thus the muscle(s) you build will hang around for the long-term.

    3) As you build muscle(s) relative to each spinal vertebrae you are working, learning how to ReWalk correctly very likely will be part of your process. Tune in to more videos to learn more about how to add weight to ReWalking exercises.

  13. Comment #3827

    Comment Type: Exercise

    Exercise Type: Resistance

    Resistance Type: Isometrics (gravity)

    Duration: 0.25 hours

    Time of Day: Mid-Afternoon

    Name: Restructuring Process Exercise #6 - Isometrics (Gravity) - ReWalking With Bar-Weight (Mimicking Added Gravity)

    Intensity: Moderately Intense

    Restructuring Process Exercise #6 - Isometrics (Gravity) - ReWalking With Bar-Weight (Mimicking Added Gravity)

    This Restructuring Process exercise must be done with great caution as it is working the spine, vertebrae, posture, and relative muscles to build the proper muscles to improve posture. Learning yoga or the like is recommended to help get to know your spine and vertebrae better. Also, keep in mind that I have been doing this work now for 18+ years, so I am well-versed in my spine, vertebrae, posture, and what I am capable of doing safely.

    As you get better at doing all the Restructuring Process Exercises and building muscle relative to gravity, you can do this exercise longer and add weight to increase intensity and difficulty. As you get better and better at it, you will eventually achieve the "new" walk, as the old (current) walk becomes a thing of the past.

    One day you will simply be walking the "new" walk, and then move on to the next vertebra(e)/muscle(s) to begin a new routine of achieving to walking/ReWalking; rinse and repeat over time until all vertebrae and muscles are properly built and balanced. As you do this, you will slowly watch cellulite and crepey skin disappear. If you are dealing with excess saggy/loose skin from serious weight loss, unfortunately, the only way to get rid of excess saggy/loose skin is medical surgery by a licensed doctor.


    Restructuring Process Exercise #6 - Benefits

    By doing this exercise, which is roughly 4 minutes in duration, you are:

    1) improving posture, muscle tone, and muscle mass by mimicking the weight of gravity in harmony with your body's spinal column and vertebra(e), improving overall spinal extension (posture). Reduce and eventually get rid of cellulite over time.

    2) As you build muscle(s) and improve your posture gradually over time, unlike repetition exercise(s) like weightlifting that do, indeed, build muscle(s) but also readily lose that same built muscle once you cease doing the repetition exercise(s), if you do this Restructuring Process exercise right, gravity will always be working against your body and thus the muscle(s) you build will hang around for the long-term.

    3) As you build muscle(s) relative to each spinal vertebrae you are working, learning how to ReWalk correctly very likely will be part of your process. Tune in to more videos to learn more about how to add weight to ReWalking exercises.