Research Participant 627 – Body Type Three (BT3) Female (Woman), Millennial (Generation Y)

FORCA?Fellow One Research Combined Average (FORCA) Health Score which Averages the Self-Determined (SD) Health & FORC Health Scores [5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy]. This score is in beta testing.


FORTH?Fellow One Research Total Health (FORTH) Score [5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy]. This score is in beta testing.


FORMR?Fellow One Research Metabolism Rate (FORMR) Adjusted Mifflin St Jeor Equation BMR (Basal Metabolic Rate) Score. This score is in beta testing.

Normal Metabolism

Mifflin St Jeor BMR: 1517.07

Adjusted Mifflin St Jeor: 1423.77

FORMA?Fellow One Research Metabolism Activity (FORMA) Adjusted Harris-Benedict Equation Activity Score. This score is in beta testing.

Steady Metabolic Rate

Body Mass Index (BMI) Calculation


BMI Minimal, Moderate, High Risk

High Risk

Diary Data - Started on 05-07-21

Back Side Facing Angle
Fellow One Research Free Body Type Shape Quiz Calculator, The Four Body Types Research Participant 627, Body Type Three (BT3) Female

Full Back Facing Angle
The Four Body Types Research Participant 627, Body Type Three (BT3) Female - Fellow One Research Body Type Shape Quiz/Test

Full Front Midriff Facing Angle
Body Type Three (BT3) Female - Fellow One Research Body Type Shape Test - The Four Body Types Research Participant 627

Anticipated Underdeveloped / Undeveloped Vertebrae


Starting Weight

175.1 lb

Weight Loss Goal

121 lb

Weight Difference to Date

-16.6 lb

Cheat Days


DateCurrent WeightType of DietBreakfastBreakfast CaloriesLunchLunch CaloriesDinnerDinner CaloriesSnacksSnacks CaloriesTotal CaloriesOrganic Whole Food %Regular Whole Food %Junk/Processed/Fast Food %Percentage of Diet, CarnivorePercentage of Diet, VegetarianPercentage of Diet, VeganWater (oz) TotalFilter Water %Tap Water %Spring Water %Bottled Water %Total Protein (g)Total Fat (g)Total Monounsaturated Fat (g)Total Polyunsaturated Fats (g)Total Saturated Fat (g)Total Trans Fat (g)Cholesterol (mg)Omega 3 Fatty Acids (EPA/DHA)Omega 3 Source(s)Total Carbohydrates (g)Fiber (Carbs)(g)Total Sugar (Carbs)(g)Added Sugar (Carbs)(g)Total Sodium (mg)Vitamin Supplements, DosesVitamins, Type(s)Vitamins, Kind(s)Vitamins, Source QualityHeart Rate (resting)Heart Rate (post)Blood Pressure Systolic (resting)Blood Pressure Systolic (post)Blood Pressure Diastolic (resting)Blood Pressure Diastolic (post)Type of Cardio ExerciseTotal Cardio Exercise Duration (minutes)Total StepsTotal Flights ClimbedTotal Laps (Swimming)Estimated Calories Burned, CardioType of Resistance ExerciseTotal Resistance Exercise Duration (Minutes)Estimated Calories Burned, ResistanceSleep Duration (hours)Sleep QualityAllopathic Meds, DosesAllopathic MedsHerbal & Other Supplements, DosesHerbal & Other SupplementsCaffeineCaffeine AmountAlcohol ServingsNicotine IntakeNicotine AmountCannabisCannabis AmountNegative BehaviorsNegative Behavior SourceOverall Level of StressCheat DayCheat Reason
05-7-21175.1Low-CarbIntermittent Fasting0Chicken peanuts coconut oil cabbage710pineapple juice6500775406001000060100000526000000NoNone3000000No Vitamins Taken70741101157072Walking60510000120None008OK0Private0PrivateCoffeeModerate (3 Cups of Coffee, or comparable)NoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
05-8-21174Low-Carbintermittent fasting0Rice Fish coconut milk200Peanuts coconut water coconut meat6000080060400100000100000506400000NoNone3100000No Vitamins Taken70801101127580Walking60539000190None006OK0Private0PrivateCoffeeLow (2 Cups of Coffee, or comparable)NoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
05-9-21174Low-Carbintermittent fasting0Chicken olive oil cucumber cauliflower410Mango juice100peanuts350860100005050060100000526000000NoNone301228000No Vitamins Taken70751101127274Walking60548000180None007OK0Private0PrivateCoffeeVery Low (1 Cup of Coffee or less, or comparable)NoneNoneNone0NoPrivateLowNo
05-10-21174Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Fish Coconut oil Peanuts560Watermelon juice65Cheese1207455040101000055100000526500000NoNone3500000No Vitamins Taken70771101157075Walking60600000120None007Unrestful0Private0PrivateCoffeeLow (2 Cups of Coffee, or comparable)NoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
05-12-21173.5Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Chicken Cauliflower Onions Olive oil450Watermelon juice Cashew nuts30000750505001000055100000706500000NoNone3500000No Vitamins Taken70771101127577Walking60514700111None007Very Unrestful0Private0PrivateCoffeeLow (2 Cups of Coffee, or comparable)NoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
05-13-21173Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Fish Coconut chutney Rice330Coconut water Chicken Olive oil50000830505001000055100000755200000NoNone4000000No Vitamins Taken70741101127072Walking60548000120None007Very Unrestful0Private0PrivateCoffeeLow (2 Cups of Coffee, or comparable)NoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
05-14-21174.1Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Vegetables Chicken350Chicken Rice Coconut oil450Nuts Chocolate32511253040301000055100000525000000NoNone6500000No Vitamins Taken69751101157074Walking60530000120None008Very Unrestful0Private0PrivateCoffeeVery Low (1 Cup of Coffee or less, or comparable)NoneNoneNone0NoPrivateHighYesMenstrual cravings
05-15-21174Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Dry fish Coconut oil Rice Cabbage400Coconut water Pineapple juice Vegetable salad with mayonnaise380Mango50730802001000045100000705600000NoNone6500000No Vitamins Taken70771121157074Walking605420000None008OK0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
05-17-21173Low-Carbintermittent fasting0pork carrot coconut meat550fish olive oil350mango50950000000601000008010000000NoNone3500000No Vitamins Taken707577737880Walking60500000120None008Very Unrestful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
05-18-21173Low-Carbintermittent fasting0chicken coconut oil beans420rice carrots leeks chicken sausages400mango80900505001000001000008510000000NoNone4000000No Vitamins Taken72801181237782Walking60510000120None008OK0Private0PrivateCoffeeModerate (3 Cups of Coffee, or comparable)NoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
05-20-21173Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Cauliflower grilled cheese500Peanuts Fish400Mango509505050000055100000705000000NoNone3000000No Vitamins Taken70771101157577Walking60514700120None008OK0Private0PrivateCoffeeLow (2 Cups of Coffee, or comparable)NoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
05-21-21172Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Prawns Rice Coconut oil Cabbage450Omlet200Mango5090050500000550000655000000NoNone4000000No Vitamins Taken72761101157580None60520000120None 008OK0Private0PrivateCoffeeLow (2 Cups of Coffee, or comparable)NoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
05-22-21170Low-Carbintermittent fasting0Chicken sausages cucumber olives400Dhal eggs coconut coconut oil500mango cashew nut250115050252510000551000001006000000NoNone5500000No Vitamins Taken72771101128082Walking60510000120None007Restful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
05-23-21170Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Fish Olive oil Coconut meat400Chicken sausages Carrots Leeks Cabbage Coconut oil500Dark chocolate10010005025251000055100000708500000NoNone5000000No Vitamins Taken70751101127577Walking60502000100None 008OK0Private0PrivateCoffeeNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
05-25-21170Low-CarbIF0Swiss cheese Chicken Vegetables400Eggs Olive oil Carrot Leeks350Mango150900505001000055100000658500000NoNone4000000No Vitamins Taken70751101127577Walking60500000100None0011Very Restful0Private0PrivateCoffeeLow (2 Cups of Coffee, or comparable)NoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
05-26-21169Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Chicken Beans Cabbage Olive oil450Fish Peanuts Spinach Olive oil450Peanuts Milk2001100505001000060100000665000000NoNone3500000No Vitamins Taken72771101157780Walking60500000100None 007Unrestful0Private0PrivateCoffeeModerate (3 Cups of Coffee, or comparable)NoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
05-27-21168Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Swiss cheese Chicken Pancake450Coconut Fish Coconut oil Rice450Mango1001000505001000060100000665000000NoNone4000000No Vitamins Taken70751101127077None60510000120None 007Unrestful0Private0PrivateCoffeeLow (2 Cups of Coffee, or comparable)NoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
05-30-21168Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Bee honey Chicken Swiss cheese Vegetables600Prawns Vegetables Olive oil450 001050505001000060100000705000000NoNone4000000No Vitamins Taken70751101127577Walking60512300120None007Very Unrestful0Private0PrivateCoffeeLow (2 Cups of Coffee, or comparable)NoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
05-31-21167Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Prawns Vegetables Olive oil400Omelette Swiss cheese300Mango100800505001000060100000555000000NoNone3500000No Vitamins Taken72771101157577Walking60520000120None007OK0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
06-1-21167Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Prawns Olive oil Vegetables450Swiss cheese Omelet250Avacado juice200900505001000060100000555000000NoNone2000000No Vitamins Taken70751101127075Walking60510000110None007OK0Private0PrivateCoffeeModerate (3 Cups of Coffee, or comparable)NoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
06-2-21164.6Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Sausages Swiss cheese Omelet Olive oil450Vegetables Chicken Coconut Coconut oil450Peanuts1501050505001000060100000667500000NoNone2500000No Vitamins Taken70751101157076Walking60512000120None 007Unrestful0Private0PrivateCoffeeLow (2 Cups of Coffee, or comparable)NoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
06-5-21164Blue Zone Mediterranean DietIntermittent fasting0Spinach Eggs Cheese Olive oil500Fish Rice Vegetables350Peanuts1501000505001000060100000555000000NoNone4000000No Vitamins Taken70751101157077Walking60520000120None007OK0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
06-6-21164Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Chicken Carrots Leeks Coconut oil Coconut550Omelet Swiss cheese Ev olive oil450Peanuts2001200505001000060100000555000000NoNone2000000No Vitamins Taken72781101127479Walking605200000None11007OK0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
06-7-21164Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Chicken Ev olive oil Vegetables450Butter Eggs Fish350Peanuts100900505001000060100000667500000NoNone2500000No Vitamins Taken70771101127577Walking60512000120None 007OK0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
06-9-21164Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Cheese Lettuce Chicken500Omelette Ev olive oil400Mango1001000505001000060100000665000000NoNone2000000No Vitamins Taken70771101127577Walking60510000120None008OK0Private0PrivateCoffeeNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
06-10-21163Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Chicken Rice Coconut meat Coconut oil450Eggs Ev olive oil Vegetables350Peanuts2001000505001000060100000705000000NoNone2500000No Vitamins Taken72761101157578Walking60520000105None 008Very Unrestful0Private0PrivateCoffeeVery Low (1 Cup of Coffee or less, or comparable)NoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
06-12-21164Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Chicken Cheese Coconut oil500Omelet Vegetables Olive oil500001000505001000060100000555000000NoNone2000000No Vitamins Taken72771101158088None60520000120None 008Very Unrestful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
06-13-21163Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Fish Avocado Vegetables Olive oil600Chicken soup350Peanuts2001150505001000060100000707500000NoNone3500000No Vitamins Taken70771101127077Walking60520000120None 009Restful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
06-14-21164Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Fish Ev olive oil Broccoli450Chicken soup with vegetables350Peanuts200900505001000060100000555000000NoNone2500000No Vitamins Taken70751101127077Walking60500000100None009Restful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
06-17-21163.8Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Eggplant Chicken Cheese550Omelet Ev olive oil350Mango60960505001000060100000665000000NoNone3500000No Vitamins Taken72771101157077Walking60520000120None009Restful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
06-22-21166Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Chicken Sausages Tomatoes Leeks Ev olive oil550Turkey ham cabbage roll Banana500Peanuts15012005050251000060100000707500000NoNone3500000No Vitamins Taken72751101127077Walking60520000120None 009OK0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
06-24-21166Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Chicken Ev olive oil Vegetables600Omelet Cheese400Peanuts1201120505001000060100000555000000NoNone3500000No Vitamins Taken72771101127077None60510000100None 008Very Restful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
06-25-21165Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Sausages Vegetables Ev olive oil500Fruits Chicken Ev olive oil500Peanuts10011005050251000060100000667500000NoNone2000000No Vitamins Taken72771101127077Walking60510000120None008Very Unrestful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
06-26-21165Low-CarbInternational fasting0Fish Coconut Coconut oil450Chicken Ev olive oil Vegetables500Cashews2001150505001000060100000557500000NoNone2500000No Vitamins Taken75771101127780None60500000112None009OK0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
06-27-21165Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Chicken ham Pickles Cheese Mayonnaise600Omelet Ev olive oil450Cashew15012005050251000060100000705000000NoNone3500000No Vitamins Taken70771101127077Walking30500000120None009OK0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
06-28-21164Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Fish Coconut meat450Yogurt Fruits250Peanuts200900505001000060100000665000000NoNone2000000No Vitamins Taken70771101157077Walking60600000150None 009Very Restful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
06-30-21164Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Cheese Chicken Ham500Omelet350Peanuts1501000505001000060100000555000000NoNone2500000No Vitamins Taken70771101127077Walking60580000150None0010Very Restful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
07-1-21164.9Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Fish Sausages Coconut water450Cabbage roll with ham, cheese and pickles550Peanuts20012005050251000060100000667500000NoNone2000000No Vitamins Taken70801101157885Elliptical30200000200None0010Restful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
07-3-21164Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Jack fruit Fish450Cheese Ham Cabbage450Peanuts1001000505001000060100000555000000NoNone2000000No Vitamins Taken771541101187077Elliptical30310000240None 009OK0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
07-4-21163.5Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Chicken ham Cheese Pickle Cabbage550Omelet Ev olive oil350Peanuts1001000505001000060100000665000000NoNone2500000No Vitamins Taken771401101157077Elliptical30300000250None 009Very Restful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
07-5-21163Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Bacon Leeks Coconut oil450Cheese Eggs Ev olive oil350Peanuts100900505001000060100000555000000NoNone2500000No Vitamins Taken711451101187077Elliptical45300000350None008OK0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
07-6-21163Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Vegetables Pork450Cheese Omelet350Cashew1009005050251000060100000705000000NoNone2000000No Vitamins Taken701451101187077Elliptical30300000350None 0010Restful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
07-7-21162.5Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Bacon Lettuce Cheese Pickles450Boiled eggs Mayonnaise Chilli350Peanuts1009005050251000060100000665000000NoNone2000000No Vitamins Taken701501101187077Elliptical30300000250None 0010Restful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
07-8-21162Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Chicken Water spinach Ev olive oil Beans500Ham Cheese Lettuce40000900505001000060100000555000000NoNone2000000No Vitamins Taken771541101187077Elliptical45320000375None 0010OK0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
07-9-21162Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Water spinach Prawns Ev olive oil400Cheese Lettuce Omelet300Peanuts150850505001000060100000555000000NoNone2500000No Vitamins Taken701451101187077Elliptical30129000250None 0010Restful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
08-3-21162.3Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Chicken Butter Carrots Leeks String beans450Cheese Ham Tomato Mayo Lettuce400Cashew15010005050251000060100000707500000NoNone2050000No Vitamins Taken751801101158082Elliptical45150000400None 0010Restful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
08-4-21162Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Chicken Butter400Prawns Ev olive oil Greens550Cashew nuts1501100505001000060100000665000000NoNone3500000No Vitamins Taken751541101187075Elliptical45250000400None 008OK0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
08-5-21162Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Prawns Ev olive oil Carrots500Omelet Cheese Butter450Peanuts1501100505001000060100000665000000NoNone2500000No Vitamins Taken781581101157077Elliptical45250000400None 009OK0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
08-6-21161.9Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Chicken Ev olive oil Water spinach450Omelet Cheese Butter500Peanuts501000505001000060100000555000000NoNone2050000No Vitamins Taken781601101187077Elliptical45120000358None009Very Unrestful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
08-7-21161.5Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Fish Cabbage Carrots Ev olive oil450Sausages Omelet Butter450Pistachios1501050505001000060100000665000000NoNone2500000No Vitamins Taken751541101157077Elliptical45250000360None009Restful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
08-8-21161Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Fish Ev olive oil Leeks400Paneer Butter Carrots400Pistachios100900505001000060100000557500000NoNone3550000No Vitamins Taken701541101187077Elliptical45250000350None 009OK0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
08-12-21160.3Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Chicken Butter500Beans Fish Ev olive oil450Peanuts1001050505001000060100000665000000NoNone2000000No Vitamins Taken781581101157077Elliptical45250000350None0010Very Restful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
08-13-21160Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Water spinach Ev olive oil Onion Garlic Prawns550Butter Omelet Cheese450Pistachios1501150505001000060100000555000000NoNone3500000No Vitamins Taken751601101187077Elliptical45250000350None0010Restful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
08-14-21159.5Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Chicken Butter Avocado600Paneer Ev olive oil Prawns450001050505001000060100000555000000NoNone2500000No Vitamins Taken701541101187077Elliptical45250000350None0010Unrestful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
08-16-21159Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Chicken Ev olive oil Pickles Carrot600Egg Butter Cheese400Peanuts1001100505001000060100000555000000NoNone3500000No Vitamins Taken751541101187077Elliptical45300000375None009Restful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
08-17-21159Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Coconut meat Coconut water Chicken Butter450Ev olive oil Sausages Vegetables550Cashews1501150505001000060100000665000000NoNone2500000No Vitamins Taken751561101187077Elliptical45250000350None0010Very Restful0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
08-18-21158.5Low-CarbIntermittent fasting0Bacon Eggs Vegetables450Butter Avocado Chicken550Peanuts1501150505001000060100000665000000NoNone3500000No Vitamins Taken781551101187077Elliptical60250000400None008OK0Private0PrivateNoneNoneNoneNone0NoPrivateVery LowNo
Research Participant 627 – Body Type Three (BT3) Female (Woman), Millennial (Generation Y)

Fellow One Research Participant Dilhani P. Bio Summary – Body Type Three (BT3)

I have studied The Four Body Types and I believe I am a Body Type Three (BT3). Obesity has slightly been a problem in my life. My obesity problems started in my life between age 20 and age 24. I was at my heaviest weight when I reached 190 pounds at age 24. The most weight I ever lost was 23 pounds when I was 24. I have not been successful at keeping all that weight off to date. I gained back 8 of those pounds in a span of 1 month(s).

My ride on the obesity weight gain & loss management roller coaster ride has been slightly severe. If/when I put fat weight on my body, it is most likely that I will put the fat weight on in relation to: upper leg/inner thighs, upper leg/back thighs, buttocks, lower midriff/waist/hips, midriff/abdomen/belly, inner upper arms/under arms, front elbows, back elbows, outer lower arms, lower side trunk/love handles, upper side trunk, neck, face, as accurately as I can figure. I attribute mostly my unbalanced lifestyle, especially lack of restful sleep, to my weight problems. On average, obesity is uncommon in my family.

Upon careful examination of my spine, vertebra(e) (posture), and muscle/muscle mass, I am confident that the following vertebra(e) in my body are underdeveloped if not undeveloped: cervical 2, thoracic 6, thoracic 7, thoracic 8, thoracic 9, thoracic 10, thoracic 11, thoracic 12, lumbar 1, lumbar 2, lumbar 3, lumbar 4, lumbar 5, sacrum, coccyx, as best I can surmise. I am confident I am a Body Type Three (BT3) because I have between nine (9) and seventeen (17) vertebrae undeveloped. I am quite sure my body does not look identical to a Body Type One (BT1) with all muscles developed & defined. My body has not always had the fully developed BT1 classic arch, dimples, vertebrae (posture), and muscle mass. I am certain I do not have the fully developed BT1 classic arch and dimples, which strengthens my belief I'm not a BT1.

Fellow One Research Participant Dilhani P. Identifies as a Body Type Two (BT2) (The Four Body Types)
Biological Gender: Female (Woman)
Current Height: 5'3 inches
Current Weight: 175.1 pounds
General Age: 20-Something
Actual Age: 26 years old
Generation: Millennial (Generation Y)
Biological Origin: Mostly Oriental, Pacific Islander, and/or of Asian Descent
Country: Sri Lanka
Fellow One Research Participant - The Four Body Types Identifier
Fellow One Research Identifies this ‘The Four Body Types’ Research Participant’s Body Type as a:
Body Type Three
Basic Research Participant Self-Determined (SD) Health Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)
Basic Fellow One Research Calculated (FORC) Health Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)**

What Does My Body Type Three (BT3) Mean?

Life is all about balance. Unbalance allows a human being to truly understand balance by recognizing, honestly, what their unbalances truly are. All be it some more than others, all human beings are unbalanced physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, at least to some extent. But most human beings are very unbalanced and unhealthy. The more unbalanced the body type (BT4 is the most unbalanced body type), including metabolism, the more physical work the specific individual person has to do to bring their human body into a state of true physical balance (BT1).

Body Type One (BT1): Physically balanced (Anatomy Standard).

*Fully developed vertebrae, spinal extension (posture), and muscle.
*33 out of 33 Vertebrae Developed and Extended, relative to the 24 Moveable & Two Fixed Bones (0 Vertebrae Undeveloped/Underdeveloped)
*Very Low to Low probabilities of experiencing obesity in the short and long-terms.
*High tendencies to be symmetrical and attractive.
*Mental (mind), emotional (energy in motion), and spiritual (soul/soul energy/star power/IT Factor) balance matters equally as much as physical (body/genetics/DNA) balance.

Body Type Two (BT2): Less Physically Balanced.

*Mostly developed vertebrae, spinal extension (posture), and muscle.
*32 to 22 out of 33 Vertebrae Developed and Extended, relative to the 24 Moveable & Two Fixed Bones (1-8 Vertebrae Undeveloped/Underdeveloped)
*Low to Medium probabilities of experiencing obesity in the short and long-terms.
*Moderate tendencies to be symmetrical and attractive.
*Mental (mind), emotional (energy in motion), and spiritual (soul/soul energy/star power/IT Factor) balance matters equally as much if not more (to make up for physical unbalances) while the BT2 person is achieving to physical (body/genes/DNA) balance.

Body Type Three (BT3): More Physically Unbalanced.

*Moderate to mostly undeveloped vertebrae, spinal extension (posture), and muscle.
*21 to 11 out of 33 Vertebrae Developed and Extended, relative to the 24 Moveable & Two Fixed Bones (9-17 Vertebrae Undeveloped/Underdeveloped)
*Medium to High probabilities of experiencing obesity in the short and long-terms.
*Moderate tendencies to be asymmetrical and unattractive.
*Mental (mind), emotional (energy in motion), and spiritual (soul/soul energy/star power/IT Factor) balance matters even more (to make up for physical unbalances) while the BT3 person is achieving to physical (body/genetics/DNA) balance.

Body Type Four (BT4): Mostly to Fully Physically Unbalanced.

*Mostly to completely undeveloped vertebrae, spinal extension (posture), and muscle.
*10 to 0 out of 33 Vertebrae Developed and Extended, relative to the 24 Moveable & Two Fixed Bones (18-26 Vertebrae Undeveloped/Underdeveloped)
*High to Very High probabilities of experiencing obesity in the short and long-terms.
*High tendencies to be asymmetrical and unattractive.
*Mental (mind), emotional (energy in motion), and spiritual (soul/soul energy/star power/IT Factor) balance matters even that much more (to make up for physical unbalances) while the BT4 person is achieving to physical (body/genes/DNA) balance.

More Fellow One Research Participant Data – Dilhani P. & Skinny Fat, Back Pain, Diet, Exercise, Lifestyle

Skinny Fat & Back Pain

Fellow One Research Body Type Shape Test - The Four Body Types, Body Type Three (BT3) Female - Research Participant 627Skinny fat has been a slighlty serious problem in my life overall. I never experienced the skinny fat phenomenon in the past and/but I am not experiencing the skinny fat phenomenon in my life at present. After reviewing my body, I am experiencing and/or have experienced skinny fat including thin fat, cellulite, crepey skin, loose/saggy skin, and/or normal weight obesity, in general, relative to: nowhere as far as I can tell.

On average, I do not experience back aches and pain. I feel back aches and pains in my body in relation to: nowhere and it is directly relative to my Body Type Three (BT3).

Diet (Food & Drink/Hydration)
Basic Self-Determined Research Participant Diet Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)
Basic Calculated Fellow One Research Participant Diet Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)**

My daily diet is questionably healthy overall. I would say my diet is carnivore-leaning omnivore. I eat 2 meals per day but they are not all nutritionally balanced; I am not getting all my nutrients. I eat mostly whole, regular, non-organic food. I drink alcohol once to a few times per month following the recommended 1 glass/day women/2 per day men. I drink the equivalent of 6-8, 8 ounce glasses of clean water daily and am hydrated.

Cardio & Resistance (Weight Lifting, Calisthenics (Body Weight), Isometrics/Gravity) Exercise Training
Basic Self-Determined Research Participant Exercise Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)
Basic Calculated Fellow One Research Participant Exercise Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)**

 Body Type Shape Test - The Four Body Types, Body Type Three (BT3) Female - Fellow One Research Participant 627My weekly cardio exercise training routine is very unhealthy. I do cardio exercise 0x per week. I do not do any training. I like the following types of cardio activities: nothing and the like.

My weekly resistance exercise training routine is very unhealthy. I do not do any resistance exercise; 0x per week. I enjoy the following kinds of resistance exercise training activities: nothing as it stands now.

My daily work/job/career is not strenuous/active at all, I sit around all day.

Lifestyle (Career, Relationships, Travel, Hobbies, Sleep, etc.)
Basic Self-Determined Research Participant Lifestyle Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)
Basic Calculated Fellow One Research Participant Lifestyle Score (5 is Very Healthy, 1 is Very Unhealthy)**

My lifestyle overall is questionably healthy. I get 6.0 to 7.5 hours of sleep per day/night on average. My daily/nightly sleep, on average, is poor quality as I have trouble sleeping, awaking mostly unrefreshed each morning. I find I am happiest when I partake in the following lifestyle activities: career/job/work, family relationships, intimate/romantic relationship(s), pet relationships, medical/healthcare affiliations, and such. Over the past 6 months, my average daily stress levels have been moderate.

If my diet, exercise, and lifestyle were all very healthy my body would look 100% identical to a Body Type One (BT1) with all muscles/muscle mass properly developed. My genetics/DNA play no role in my body type shape; diet, exercise, and lifestyle are the only reason. Yes, the soul is real and plays at least an indirect part in human health.

**Elite Athletes and the Like May Skew Results

Fellow One Research Participant, The Four Body Types’ Free Body Type Shape Quiz Calculator – One Question I Would Like Answered:

How important is Diet, Exercise, and Lifestyle In Terms of my Body Type and Health?


77 thoughts on “Research Participant 627 – Body Type Three (BT3) Female (Woman), Millennial (Generation Y)

  1. Comment #2178

    Hi Dilhani:

    Thanks for your Fellow One Research Participant, The Four Body Types’ Free Body Type Shape Quiz Calculator submission.

    Please carefully review the above post.

    After reviewing your Quiz Data and Images, it appears you are a Body Type Three with likely underdeveloped cervical 2, thoracic 6, thoracic 7, thoracic 8, thoracic 9, thoracic 10, thoracic 11, thoracic 12, lumbar 1, lumbar 2, lumbar 3, lumbar 4, lumbar 5, sacrum, and coccyx vertebrae. Being a BT3 is further supported by your statements, "If/when I put fat weight on my body, it is most likely that I will put the fat weight on in relation to: upper leg/inner thighs, upper leg/back thighs, buttocks, lower midriff/waist/hips, midriff/abdomen/belly, inner upper arms/under arms, front elbows, back elbows, outer lower arms, lower side trunk/love handles, upper side trunk, neck, face, as accurately as I can figure." and your high risk BMI.

    Please answer the following:

    Looking at the BT1 Dimples and Classic Arch here

    A. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being 100% fully developed, how Developed are your Body Type One (BT1) Dimples?
    B. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being 100% fully developed, how Developed is your Body Type One (BT1) Classic Arch?

    All the years of your life, from 0-26, should be clearly represented in your answers. After double-checking the images here

    C. What years of your life did you look like a Body Type One (BT1), if any?
    D. What years of your life did you look like a Body Type Two (BT2), if any?
    E. What years of your life did you look like a Body Type Three (BT3), if any?
    F. What years of your life did you look like a Body Type Four (BT4), if any?

    G. True or False? Every human body is born the same, with the same muscle mass and development, as per every Standard Science/Scientific Human Body Anatomy Book (BT1). Obesity is solely/only about poor diet, laziness/no exercise, and unhealthy lifestyle habits.

  2. Comment #2179

    1. On a scale of 1-10, 10 being Makes Real Logical And Reasonable Sense, how Logical And Reasonable would you say the Fellow One Research variables and data are, as you understand them now?

    2. As per #1, Why?

    3. What could be done better to help better explain and show the research data to date?

      • Comment #2182

        Thanks for the feedback. You are the proof. You have stated that you want to lose weight, specifically 23 pounds to get to 152 pounds, which is not within your medically safe BMI weight range.

        According to mainstream science, all you have to you do to look like any Standard Scientific Human Body Anatomy Book Body Type One (BT1) is decrease daily calorie intake and increase daily calorie burn. That is it.

        Thus, again, according to mainstream science and the National Institute of Health's BMI chart, to reach your medically safe BMI weight range for your height of 5 Feet, 3 inches, you have to weigh between 107 pounds and 135 pounds. To get to the high end of that medically safe BMI weight range you would have to, relative to your current weight of 175 pounds, you would have to lose 40 pounds. To get the bottom of that range, you would have to lose 68 pounds.

        According to mainstream science, once you reach your medically safe BMI weight range, likely no less than the middle at 121 pounds, you will look identical to a Standard Scientific Human Body Anatomy Book Body Type One. It may take getting down to the low end at 107 pounds to truly look identical.

        However, the Fellow One Research, The Four Body Types Theory is, because of your anticipated underdeveloped vertebrae identified in your Body Type Shape Quiz/Test, you will not look identical to a Body Type One (BT1). Instead, you will experience skinny fat, cellulite, and/or loose/saggy skin due to, no less, underdeveloped muscle mass.

        The only way to truly prove who is right, mainstream science or the Fellow One Research Theory, is to document your data evidence in the Advanced Weight Loss Diary to track your weight loss progress, including pictures every 7 days. The more accurate and complete your data and images/photos/pictures, the more whole a picture it all paints.

  3. Comment #2191

    Comment Type: Exercise

    Exercise Type: Cardio

    Cardio Type: Walking

    Duration: 1.0 hours

    Time of Day: Early Morning

    Intensity: Somewhat Intense

    As a start for my weight loss diary journey, I enjoyed walking for an hour at a good, consistent pace. This is my first day of 30 days. I walked for 5km not long after dawn from 6 am to 7 am. It was a beautiful, calm, and quiet morning and I felt so great which just motivated me more to be focused. :)

  4. Comment #2277

    Comment Type: Lifestyle

    Lifestyle Type: Sleep

    Stress Level: Low

    Sleep Duration: 8.0

    Sleep Quality: Questionable Quality

    Dream: I Do Not Remember My Dreams.

    Sleep/Wake Schedule: Daytime

    Hi Gnosis:

    As I'm preparing for an exam I tend to stay up the whole night and sleep during the day time (1.00pm to 9.00pm) I just want to know whether that's alright or should I try and change? Normally I sleep continuously for that 8 hours.

    • Comment #2280

      Keeping a regular sleep pattern/schedule is best. As the average human being’s natural circadian rhythms revolve around nighttime sleep (no sunlight), daytime sleep (for those who work at night for whatever reason) can cause unbalance and unhealth in the body. Such unbalances include negatively affecting the hormones as well as greater risk of various disorders, accidents, and mishappenings like mood swings/moodiness (emotions/emotional), decreased mental capacity, and increased likelihood of physical body ailments such as obesity & diabetes as well as increased risk of cardiovascular (heart) disease, no less.

      You are young, and hopefully your sleep pattern/schedule disruption is only temporary. If it is, in the short-term you should be fine. But you want to get back to a more natural and healthy sleep schedule as soon as you can. There is solid evidence that the longer your sleep is unbalanced, like reversed in terms of sleeping during the day and working at night, the more your risk of obesity and diabetes increases due to, no less, an imbalance in hormone production. The real danger here is that even if you eat a healthy diet, the hormone imbalance can still lead to obesity and diabetes.

      Maintain a regular sleep-wake schedule as much as you can. If you do find yourself in the situation of having to reverse your sleep pattern/schedule and sleep during the day, a few tips to make it as effective and healthy as possible:

      1. Use blackout blinds or heavy curtains to block out sunlight when you sleep during the day. Sunlight is a potent stimulator of both the circadian rhythm and hormone production.

      2. Ask your family and friends to limit phone calls and visits during your sleep hours.

      3. Before sleep, eat a lighter, healthy meal focused on more fiber and protein and less fat and sugar (empty carbs). The heavier and more unhealthy the meal, the more time and energy your body uses to digest and the less time and energy on sleep.

      Sleep is how the body repairs (cells/cellular activity), heals, and regenerates itself. If you fail to get to R.E.M. (rapid eye motion) sleep and do not remember any dreams (or even have a sense of what you dreamed about) then you likely did not get into the deeper levels of sleep needed to truly repair, heal, and regenerate your body. Quality and duration of sleep truly matters.

  5. Comment #2284

    Comment Type: Exercise

    Exercise Type: Cardio

    Cardio Type: Walking

    Duration: 1.0 hours

    Time of Day: Early Morning

    Intensity: Somewhat Intense

    Walked continuously for the 5th day. Feel more energetic day by day and the early morning pretty views like these make me want to walk more and more. Although the scale is not moving a lot I could feel a lighter body than before.

  6. Comment #2307

    Comment Type: Diet

    Diet Type: Lunch

    Ingredients: Chicken, Cauliflower, Tomatoes, Onions, Beans, Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    Calories: 450

    Meal Name: Chicken With Vegetables

    As I'm on a low-carb diet my lunch goes similar to these food items almost always. I just added some spices to the chicken and stir-fried it in olive oil. The same with the vegetables and it's fulfilling because it has got proteins and the extra virgin olive oil provides the healthy fats.

  7. Comment #2327

    Comment Type: Lifestyle

    Lifestyle Type: Sleep

    Stress Level: Moderate

    Sleep Duration: 5.0

    Sleep Quality: Low Quality

    Dream: I Do Not Remember My Dreams.

    Sleep/Wake Schedule: Daytime

    Hi Gnosis:

    I'm trying to adapt to have a good night's sleep. But I think I fail halfway. Can't sleep continuously more than 5 hours during the process of shifting day time sleep to night time sleep. Then the rest of the day is becoming very stressful. Will it be like this everyday or will it be normal after I'm totally adapted for night sleeping?

    • Comment #2329

      Hi Dilhani:

      It sounds like you are still working on transitioning from sleeping at night to sleeping during the day? If so, is this a sleep cycle that you plan on doing for a while and if that is true, for how long?

      Please clarify.

        • Comment #2374

          Trying to adjust sleep cycles in such a radical way, from nighttime to daytime sleeping, then back to nighttime sleeping, is not easy. Trying to lose weight on top of things only adds to the difficulty. Your body will need time to properly make the adjustments. As a student, these are the sacrifices one usually has to make in the short-term to gain the learning, knowledge, and skills to make their life and health better in the long term. The sooner you can get back to 7.5 to 9.0 hours of quality nighttime sleep the better, which is why in this crazy time, a healthy diet and exercise routine is more important than ever.

  8. Comment #2373

    Comment Type: Diet

    Diet Type: General

    Subject: Menstrual (Period) Cramps, Chocolate, & Cheat Meals

    Hi Gnosis:

    I'm having very bad menstrual (period) cravings and I can't go without chocolates and only chocolates will help to reduce the stress and pain during these days. Is it okay to eat some sweets just for 2 days and start all over and continue till next month?

    • Comment #2375

      Dark chocolate in moderation is very healthy. Of course, that is, minimally-processed, high quality (organic is best) dark chocolate that is at least 70% whole chocolate (cocao) which has as little sugar and added nonsense as possible. Dark chocolate has a wealth of nutrients including minerals such as iron, magnesium, and zinc -- which is also at least one reason why it is so coveted by many menstruating women (on period).

      The cocoa in dark chocolate contains antioxidants called flavonoids, which research shows provide multiple positive health benefits. Cocoa's flavanols have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and free-radical scavenging properties. Dark chocolate also has antithrombotic properties, which can help prevent blood clots, as well as antihypertensive properties, which can help lower blood pressure. The types of flavanols found in dark chocolate have been shown to reduce risk factors associated with insulin resistance which may reduce the risk of diabetes in the long run and thus benefit those who are overweight/obese/dealing with obesity (again, in real moderation), no less.

      Cheat days are normal, in moderation. Always remember that you are a human being first and imperfection is a part of who we are...but the more honest you are about it, the more likely you are to push through and successfully reach your health and weight-loss goals.

      Finally, the oxalate content in dark chocolate is medium to high. Excess oxalates can raise the risk of kidney stones and kidney damage/renal failure. Most people average between 200 and 300 milligrams of oxalates daily, but people at increased risk of kidney stones are advised to consume less than 100 milligrams a day.

  9. Comment #2408

    Comment Type: Exercise

    Exercise Type: Cardio

    Cardio Type: Walking

    Duration: 1.0 hours

    Time of Day: Early Morning

    Intensity: Slightly Intense

    I'm walking continuously for the 10th day and I love how it gives me energy to be productive the whole day. It feels like I'm very much looking forward for the next day walk and I'm glad. Thank you Gnosis for letting me participate in this program.

  10. Comment #2450

    Comment Type: Diet

    Diet Type: Lunch

    Ingredients: Cauliflower, Eggs, Mozzarella Cheese

    Calories: 450

    Meal Name: Cauliflower Grilled Cheese

    This is an excellent substitute for the usual grilled cheese. I don't have to eat carbs in those bread but still can enjoy a nice grilled cheese sandwich. I got the recipe from a YouTube channel about low carb diets and I'm forever grateful for that recipe. 😊

  11. Comment #2451

    Comment Type: Lifestyle

    Lifestyle Type: Sleep

    Stress Level: Moderate

    Sleep Duration: 6.0

    Sleep Quality: Questionable Quality

    Dream: I Do Not Remember My Dreams.

    Sleep/Wake Schedule: Night Owl

    I'm happy to say that my sleep cycle changing process is improved and now I can sleep for nearly 7 hours uninterrupted. Before I used to stay up the whole night but now I sleep around 7pm in the evening and wake up by around 3am, I'm still in the process of making the evening time somewhere around 11pm.

  12. Comment #2501

    Comment Type: Diet

    Diet Type: Food Item

    Food Item (Product) Name: Chocolate, Excellence 90% Cocoa Supreme Dark (Noir)

    Ingredients: Chocolate, Cocoa Powder, Cocoa Butter, Sugar, And Vanilla.

    Product Manufacturer: Lindt

    Calories: 200 (3 Pieces)

    Type of Food: Processed Regular Whole Food

    Hello Gnosis, After some looking I found this dark chocolate as you suggested. This does help to satisfy my chocolate cravings. It only has 12g of carbs per 4 squares, 10 squares per bar which includes 3g sugar per serving; a 100 g bar equals 2.5 servings. However, as there are not much options available in my country, this was a little bit expensive. Are there any other possible options you could recommend?

        • Comment #2532

          And therein lies the problem, usually the taste is just not as good, even though it is healthier.

          However, the Trader Joe's 73% Cocao Dark Chocolate Bar is just as good as regular sweet chocolate and yet is still 70%+ Cocao (and organic).

  13. Comment #2502

    Comment Type: Lifestyle

    Lifestyle Type: Sleep

    Stress Level: Very High

    Sleep Duration: 4.0

    Sleep Quality: Very Poor Quality

    Dream: I Do Not Remember My Dreams.

    Sleep/Wake Schedule: Night Owl

    Hi Gnosis, Even though I was adjusting to a new sleeping cycle, a tragic life event caused very high stress and could not sleep all for 2 days straight. Finally I'm recovering and how long do you think will take to get back on the normal sleeping routine again?

    • Comment #2508

      It really depends on the tragic life event. If it was the loss a close loved one, then only time will tell how long. Our human emotions have tendencies to be profoundly complicated.

      True healing from such traumas starts with being honest with yourself and expressing, safely and securely, what you are feeling (and why). This is usually best done with a close, trusted, competent, honest family member or friend. If neither of those are real options, then perhaps a qualified university counselor or therapist? Talking about it (when you are ready and in due time) and finding true closure is the fastest way back to peace of mind, a good nights sleep, and health. Wishing you a successful recovery.

  14. Comment #2530

    Comment Type: Exercise

    Exercise Type: Cardio

    Cardio Type: Walking

    Duration: 1.0 hours

    Time of Day: Early Morning

    Intensity: Slightly Intense

    This is where I walk every morning and due to yesterday's heavy rains it has started flooding. As my country is normally sunny this feels different and energetic. I'm glad for these diversities of nature 😊.

    • Comment #2531

      In such flooding, I wish there was an easy way to transport large amounts of water to other parts of the world that are in short supply/drought. What will science and technology bring forth in the coming years?

      • Comment #2600

        As they still don't have any way to transport this water within the country itself, I don't think there will be a way to do it Internationally anytime soon.

  15. Comment #2601

    Comment Type: Lifestyle

    Lifestyle Type: Sleep

    Stress Level: Moderate

    Sleep Duration: 6.0

    Sleep Quality: Very Poor Quality

    Dream: I Remember My Dreams, They Were A Mix Of Positive And Negative.

    Sleep/Wake Schedule: Night Owl

    Hi Gnosis, as I'm in the process of changing my sleep cycle, I wake up for any small sound when I'm in my deep sleep even. It happens all over again and I can never get a peaceful uninterrupted sleep. What do I do?

    • Comment #2605

      Earplugs. They work wonders. There are many options on the market.

      A white noise machine can also help. A quiet air purifier can kill two birds with one stone; it will clean your air and it will provide sufficient white noise. True HEPA air filter/purifiers are the best. Avoiding caffeine (green/black tea, coffee, etc.) after 5:00 pm (for some earlier), adjusted for odd sleep patterns, and reducing device(s) screentime leading up to bedtime can also help improve sleep.

  16. Comment #2649

    Comment Type: Diet

    Diet Type: Food Item

    Food Item (Product) Name: Prawns

    Ingredients: Prawns

    Product Manufacturer: Locally Sourced

    Calories: 225 (1/2 Pound)

    Type of Food: Regular, Whole Food

    Recipe: Local Prawns, Onions, South Asian Spices, Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    Hi Gnosis, Prawns are a very common seafood as I'm living on an island. This is one of my favorite sources of protein. I cook it with a few slices of onions, lots of south Asian spices and ev olive oil and the outcome is so great with many flavors. Is cholesterol at all a concern?

    • Comment #2660

      As the debate about seafood, especially shrimp and prawns, and cholesterol rages on, the current consensus is that how much cholesterol is good or bad is relative to the person. Some people tolerate cholesterol more/better than others. Just as some people tolerate dairy/milk products or peanut products, etc. more/better than others. The most recent research indicates that only a quarter of the population is sensitive to dietary cholesterol. For the rest, dietary cholesterol probably has a minimal impact on blood cholesterol levels. Although further research is needed. Cholesterol in your blood is produced by your liver, and when you eat foods high in cholesterol, your liver produces less.

      Your doctor can do some relatively simple testing to check on your cholesterol.

  17. Comment #2650

    Comment Type: Lifestyle

    Lifestyle Type: General

    Stress Level: Very Low

    Subject: Playtime

    When I'm stressed about studies and exams I tend to play with these two dogs and I would say that's the best therapy for high stress levels. Playing with a pet is an amazing experience and it makes all the tensions vanish. I'm so grateful for these two cuties.

  18. Comment #2770

    Comment Type: Diet

    Diet Type: Food Item

    Food Item (Product) Name: Cheese, Happy Cow

    Ingredients: Cow's Milk, Microbial Rennet, Water, Butter Cream, Skimmed Milk Powder, Emulsifying Salts (E339, E450, E452), Whey Powder, Salt, Acidifier, Citric Acid

    Product Manufacturer: Woerle

    Calories: 40 Per Serving

    Type of Food: Processed Regular Whole Food

    Hi Gnosis, I add these cheese slices and make lettuce wraps with chicken or bacon. I eat maximum of two slices per day and around 3 days per week. Is it okay? As the cheese is processed I don't think that's so healthy.

    • Comment #2779

      Cheese/Dairy is tricky. Like shrimp or peanuts and other such foods, how much a specific individual person can truly handle in a healthy way is very individualized.

      Organic, all-natural, minimally processed whole milk cheese/dairy in moderation is usually best, but low-fat and low cholesterol cheeses can be a better choice for some people. Nutritionally, precisely how much depends on the type of cheese, it is well-known for its quality protein and calcium as well as respectable amounts of vitamins A , riboflavin (B2), cobalamin (B12), and vitamin D along with the minerals zinc and phosphorus. Carbs are minimal, usually less than 1 gram. On average, 1 ounce (28 grams) of cheese contains around 113 calories.

      Cheese made from the milk of 100% grass-fed animals affords the highest amount of nutrients while also containing omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin K-2.

      However, cheese is also well-known for typically being high in saturated fat which can be hard on digestion, including the gall-bladder, as well as the arteries and heart (circulatory system). Too much saturated fat can cause bad LDL (low-density lipoprotein) cholesterol to build up in your arteries and blood vessels. High LDL cholesterol increases the risk of heart disease and stroke.

      Cheese also has tendencies to be high in cholesterol, which can increase the risk of developing fatty deposits in your blood vessels -- otherwise known as atherosclerosis. Eventually, if these deposits continue to grow, they will make it difficult for enough blood to flow through your arteries which can even lead to a sudden artery break forming a clot that causes a heart attack or stroke.

      Moreover, cheese is also usually high in sodium (salt) which can have many adverse affects on the body including increasing blood pressure (because it retains excess fluid in the body) which causes more undue stress on the heart. Too much sodium increases your risk of stroke, heart failure, osteoporosis, stomach cancer, and kidney disease. Further, a high-salt diet may inhibit the excretion of digestive enzymes and negatively affect good gut bacteria (microbiome) composition, leading to decreased nutritional absorption, weakened immunity, and bowel & bladder issues, no less.

      All that being said, certain types of cheese do contain probiotics, good bacteria. A good overall gut flora -- happy, beneficial bacteria -- contributes to gut, bowel, and overall health. Typically, probiotics are found in cheeses that have been aged but not heated afterward, including both soft and hard kinds of cheese. Cheeses like Swiss, Gruyère, provolone, Gouda, Edam, cheddar, and cottage cheese. As well, cheeses high in fat like Brie, blue cheese, and cheddar contain small amounts of conjugated linoleic acid (CLA). Research indicates that CLA may help prevent heart disease, obesity, and reduce inflammation. Cheese from 100 percent grass-fed animals contains more CLA.

      Cheese is definitely best in moderation, which, according to the USDA, is a 1.5 oz (45 g) serving per day. Eating cheese with bacon would reduce the amount of both cheese and bacon to meet moderation standards, as both foods are high in fat, especially saturated, as well as cholesterol.

  19. Comment #2771

    Comment Type: Lifestyle

    Lifestyle Type: Sleep

    Stress Level: Low

    Sleep Duration: 8.0

    Sleep Quality: Quality

    Dream: I Do Not Remember My Dreams.

    Sleep/Wake Schedule: Night Owl

    This is an update on my sleep cycle. I'm happy to say that after so many struggles now I'm having a full night sleep most of the days. Reduction of coffee and stopping of using mobile after going to bed helped a lot. Thank you Gnosis.

  20. Comment #2810

    Comment Type: Diet

    Diet Type: Food Item

    Food Item (Product) Name: Peanuts, Jumbo

    Ingredients: Peanuts, Palm Oil, Salt

    Product Manufacturer: Scan

    Calories: 170 (1 Oz/28 Grams)

    Type of Food: Processed Regular Whole Food

    Hi Gnosis, This is my go to snack and I really cannot see going without eating this but palm oil is an ingredient and I know that's not so good for health. Is it better to start snacking on normal roasted peanuts instead?

    • Comment #2816

      Shelled peanuts are a popular and easy snack food. Nutritionally, peanuts afford 7 grams of protein per ounce (all 20 amino acids are present with particularly high levels of arginine) and just under 5 grams of carbohydrates. Roughly 2 grams of carbs are dietary fiber and 1 gram is natural sugars. Peanuts offer a low glycemic index (GI 13/14) which is why one serving is less likely to negatively affect your blood sugar than higher-GI foods such as white bread (GI 75) or a bowl of corn flakes (GI 81). An ounce of peanuts provide a solid amount of daily niacin (B3), vitamin E, copper, and manganese along with some folate (B9), choline, magnesium, zinc, iron, and selenium.

      Peanuts offer 14 grams of fat per serving, 80% of which are considered heart-healthy, including monounsaturated fat and polyunsaturated fat. Raw and dry-roasted peanuts with less or no salt are better for you than processed oil-roasted, seasoned, and/or sugar-coated peanuts which likely include added poor quality, saturated and/or trans-fat oils as well as chemicals (like preservatives) and other nonsense. Organic is best whenever possible.

      Dry-roasted, reduce salt (or no salt) almonds are also a healthy choice.

      See the next Reply for more info about Palm Oil.

      Finally, the oxalate content in roasted peanuts is high at 187.0 mg per 100 g. Excess oxalates can raise the risk of kidney stones and kidney damage/renal failure. Most people average between 200 and 300 milligrams of oxalates daily, but if you are at increased risk of kidney stones it is suggested that consuming less than 100 milligrams a day is best.

    • Comment #2814

      Comment Type: Diet

      Diet Type: Food Item

      Food Item (Product) Name: Palm Oil, Red

      Ingredients: USDA Certified Organic, Non-GMO, Cold-Filtered (Extra Virgin), Unrefined, Fair Trade Ecuadorian Red Palm Oil (Fruit, Not Kernel)

      Product Manufacturer: Nutiva

      Calories: 130 (Tablespoon)

      Type of Food: Minimally Processed Organic Whole Food

      Red palm fruit oil is definitely controversial.

      In terms of health benefits, the red palm fruit oil (not to be confused with palm kernel oil, which is derived from the seed of the red palm fruit) nutrient profile includes palmitic and oleic acids and is about 50% saturated. All things considered, it contains fewer cholesterol-lowering “long-chain” omega-3 fatty acids. But, red palm oil has more “medium-chain” and “short-chain” fatty acids (which scientists currently recognize as being healthy, in moderation).

      The red color of the palm fruit oil contains high amounts of powerful antioxidant carotenes, especially beta-carotene and lycopene (more than tomatoes or carrots). It is also rich in numerous tocotrienols – an effective form of vitamin E. Extra virgin, organic, sustainable red palm fruit oil is highly recommended.

      Processed palm oil has become very popular commercially in recent years due to the fact that it contains no cholesterol and it offers the same advantages as hydrogenated fats (AKA very unhealthy trans-fatty acids) in packaged foods. This is because it has “thickness” at room temperature and is more stable which gives foods a longer shelf-life.

      The longevity and functionality of processed red palm oil means greatly increased popularity which in turn has led many food manufacturers to use processed palm oil in place of hydrogenated oils, particularly in their snack products. Such processed foods can be advertised as being "trans-fat-free" and "cholesterol-free”. However, when red palm oil is refined and processed, it causes the coveted red color to disappear. The red palm oil nutritional and healing benefits are destroyed. As soon as it becomes part of any processed snack food, the health benefits including the powerful antioxidants are lost.

      The very serious problem with processed red palm oil, in general, is its immense commercial popularity. Such attention involves egregious human rights violation concerns along with the fact that the industry is driving the deforestation of some of the world's most biodiverse forests, destroying the habitat of already endangered species like the orangutan, Sumatran rhino, and pygmy elephant, no less. Of which, also further contributes to the negative effects of global climate change.

      This is why organic, extra virgin (cold-filtered), sustainably farmed, fair-trade red palm fruit oil is highly recommended.

  21. Comment #2838

    Comment Type: Diet

    Diet Type: Food Item

    Food Item (Product) Name: Cashews

    Ingredients: Cashews, Chili Powder, Extra Virgin Olive Oil, Salt

    Product Manufacturer: Homegrown

    Calories: 157 (1 Ounce)

    Type of Food: Minimally Processed Organic Whole Food

    Hi Gnosis, Other than peanuts, I eat these organic cashews as I'm a huge fan of nuts. I eat them once or twice per month. It tastes great when deep fried with ev olive oil and with a little bit of spices and salt. As per my understanding, I think cashews are healthier than peanuts. Is that so?

    • Comment #2840

      Technically, cashews are drupe seeds and peanuts are actually a type of legume (neither are a true a nut). Nuts, by definition, are a hard-shelled pod that contains both the fruit and seed of the plant (like hazelnuts and acorns). Drupes are actually fruit consisting of a hard stony covering that encloses the seed (like peaches, mangoes, pistachios, coconuts, almonds, and cashews).

      Cashews and peanuts have the same average serving size, equal to 28.35g or one ounce. Cashews have a low glycemic index (Gl) of 2/3 (i.e. impact on blood sugar; a glycemic index of 10 or less are considered low glycemic). Peanuts have a GI of 13/14. Almonds have a GI of 0. Cashews are said to help aid in weight control, in moderation.

      Nutritionally, cashews have less fiber and protein than almonds and peanuts. Cashews contain high levels of all essential amino acids and are particularly rich in tryptophan, lysine, methionine, and valine. Other than fiber, the main carbohydrates found in cashews are starch and sucrose. They also contain small amounts of naturally occurring glucose and fructose. Cashews are a good source of vitamin K, vitamin C, thiamin (vitamin B1), pyridoxine (vitamin B6), phosphorus, zinc, iron, copper, manganese, and magnesium. Such a wide variety of healthy nutrients assists in heart health, bone health, and energy levels, no less.

      Cashews contain mostly unsaturated, healthy (in moderation) fats including monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids, a fair amount of saturated fat, but do not contain cholesterol.

      Low or no-salt (sodium) dry-roasted cashews are the healthiest.

      See Reply above for peanut nutrients.

      With all that goodness, beware of the bad. Raw cashews have a relatively high level of oxalate, that when eaten in large quantities can lead to kidney stones, kidney damage, and other chronic health problems. Truly raw cashews contain a substance known as urushiol (found in poison ivy) which is toxic and contact with it can trigger a skin reaction, no less, in some people. Dry-roasted cashews have much less oxalates and are safer while also known to be more palatable and delicious.

  22. Comment #2890

    Comment Type: Lifestyle

    Lifestyle Type: General

    Stress Level: Very Low

    Subject: Hobby

    Reading has always been my hobby since I was very little. I tend to read a lot when I'm stressed as that helps me to stop thinking about the real life problems. Currently reading this amazing piece of literature and I'm loving it so far.

  23. Comment #2888

    Comment Type: Diet

    Diet Type: Food Item

    Food Item (Product) Name: Eggplant

    Ingredients: Eggplant

    Product Manufacturer: Homegrown

    Calories: 25 (3.5-ounces, 100-grams)

    Type of Food: Organic, Whole Food

    Hi Gnosis, I use organic eggplant as a low carb substitute in casseroles and Lasagnas. I don't have to worry about the fertilizers and chemicals that have been using on it as we grow it in our garden and we use only organic compost. What are the nutritional benefits of eggplant?

    • Comment #2904

      Eggplant comes in multiple varieties including Dusky or Classic (the familiar eggplant shape with shiny purple skin), Epic (teardrop-shaped with purple-black skin), Black Bell (pear-shaped with glossy black skin), Ghostbuster (long, white, oval), Ichiban (long, thin, purple), Slim Jim (thin, bright purple), and Easter Egg (small, oval that's colored white, orange, yellow, or green).

      A highly versatile food, eggplant can be used as a substitute for other ingredients in meals. It can be roasted, grilled, baked, or sautéed, simply enjoyed with a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil and seasoning.

      Eggplants are low-calorie, containing a decent amount of fiber along with a bit of protein and minimal fat. Carbohydrates consist of mostly fiber, which can decrease your carb and calories intake while increasing the nutrient content of your meal.

      Eggplants are nutritionally rich, providing solid amounts of daily folate, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, Vitamin K, calcium, copper, iron, magnesium, manganese, pyridoxine (B-6), thiamine (B1), niacin (B3), phosphorus, and potassium. Along with Vitamins A & C, eggplants are also a source of other antioxidants called phenolic compounds. These natural plant antioxidant polyphenols may help cells do a better job of controlling/processing sugar if you have diabetes. It also may reduce the risk of heart disease and help with weight-loss.

      There is solid scientific evidence that purple eggplant extract is effective against skin diseases like keratosis as well as cancers including basal cell carcinomas and squamous cell carcinoma.

      Note that eggplants are members of the nightshade family. Nightshades contain alkaloids, including solanine, which are known to be toxic. Solanine protects the eggplant during development, which means eating the leaves or tubers can lead to symptoms such as burning in the throat, nausea & vomiting, and even heart arrhythmias.

      All that being said, 100 g of eggplant contains 190 mg of oxalates. Eating too many oxalates can lead to kindey stones and renal failure/damage to kidneys. If you are at an increased risk of kidney stones you are advised to keep oxalate consumption at around 100 mg per daily or less (average is 200 to 300 mg per day).

  24. Comment #2889

    Comment Type: Diet

    Diet Type: Food Item

    Food Item (Product) Name: Mango

    Ingredients: Mango

    Product Manufacturer: Homegrown

    Calories: 99 (One Cup, 165 Grams), Sliced

    Type of Food: Organic, Whole Food

    Hi Gnosis, Organic mango is one of my favorite snacks and during June and July months we can find mango everywhere in my country. I prefer half ripe mangoes with some added spices and I don't eat ripe ones as its sugar content is high. As I'm following a low carb diet I eat only one or two small pieces per day. Am I right to worry about too much sugar being a concern?

    • Comment #2905

      Mango is one of the sweetest fruits, so you are right in being concerned about the sugar levels, especially in ripe Mango. Keeping your portions in minimum, reasonable moderation is recommended.

      Nutritionally speaking, mangos offer a cornucopia of healthy nutrients including vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. This includes solid daily amounts of Vitamin C, Vitamin K, beta carotene (Vitamin A), and Vitamin E as well as a rich range of B-Vitamins such as folate (B9), pyridoxine (B6), pantothenic acid (B5), niacin (B3), riboflavin (B2), and thiamine (B1). Minerals encompassed are copper, potassium, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, and iron.

      Mango has a lower amount of fiber than other fruits. Carbohydrates consist more of natural occurring complex sugars including glucose and maltose. It also provides a bit of protein and minimal fat. Moreover, mango contains a group of digestive enzymes called amylases which are know to aid in digestion and improve digestive health, including easing constipation.

      Offering an array of other benefits, mango can assist in improving heart health by reducing blood pressure and inflammation. It is also helpful in supporting the eyes, skin, and hair. Furthermore, it may decrease the risk of some cancers.

  25. Comment #2839

    Comment Type: Exercise

    Exercise Type: Cardio

    Cardio Type: Walking

    Duration: 1.0 hours

    Time of Day: Early Morning

    Intensity: Slightly Intense

    I have been walking regularly for roughly the past 28 days. I feel great and I have achieved obvious benefits including losing weight and peace of mind. It has likely helped my sleep improve. I walk around my beautiful home garden in the early morning and I feel like it has become a healthy everyday morning routine that I hope will last forever.

  26. Comment #2891

    Comment Type: Lifestyle

    Lifestyle Type: General

    Stress Level: Very Low

    Subject: Update on My Weight-Loss Journey

    Today marks the end of the first 30 days of my journey of weight loss. I have lost 11.3 pounds since starting (review all my data above) and my current weight is 163.8 pounds. I can see the differences and more than that I can feel how much more energetic I am than before. My diligence and follow-through with walking exercise and low-carb and calorie deficit diet with intermittent fasting have definitely been a major part in my success so far. Gnosis and the Fellow One Research website have also assisted me to come this far. Although I know there is still a long way to go. I will be taking a small break to live a little and have some fun, so I will start up again on 06-22-21. I am anticipating I will gain a little weight in that time, trying to stay around 165 pounds.

  27. Comment #2947

    Comment Type: Lifestyle

    Lifestyle Type: General

    Stress Level: Low

    Subject: Weight Loss Journey Update

    I took a few days off after the first 30 days as I desperately wanted to have 1 or 2 cheat days. Now I'm back on the track again and I have gained 2.2 pounds after the cheat meals. Looking forward for next 30 days and losing at least 8 more pounds is my goal.

  28. Comment #3034

    Comment Type: Diet

    Diet Type: Food Item

    Food Item (Product) Name: Avocado

    Ingredients: Avocado

    Product Manufacturer: Homegrown

    Calories: 250 (1 Medium, Whole)

    Type of Food: Organic, Whole Food

    Hi Gnosis, as a healthy fat source I consume homegrown, organic avocados. I eat them or drink them as juice once or twice per week. I want to know whether it's okay to continue eating them or should I limit as that can affect cholesterol levels?

    • Comment #3039

      A densely nutritious food offering rich, textured flavor, avocados make for a great dish on their own, like guacamole. Avocados also compliment an array of different types of meals.

      Avocados do not contain any sodium or cholesterol and are low in saturated fat. In fact, avocados contain 25 milligrams per ounce of a natural plant sterol called beta-sitosterol. Regular consumption of beta-sitosterol and other plant sterols has been found to help maintain healthy cholesterol levels which benefits the cardiovascular system (arteries, veins, heart), no less.

      They are, however, a high-fat, high calorie food. A medium-sized whole Avocado (3 servings) has roughly 250 calories, 23g of total fat, of which 15g are monounsaturated fatty acids, 3g are polyunsaturated fat, and 3g are saturated fat. Moreover, a medium-sized avocado provides 3g protein and 13g of carbohydrates including 10g of fiber and 0g of natural sugar or added sugar. Eating foods like avocado that are naturally high in fiber can help improve digestion, assisting in preventing constipation, maintaining a healthy digestive tract, and reducing the risk of colon cancer.

      The main heart healthy monounsaturated fatty acid (also see extra virgin olive oil) is oleic acid which has has been associated with decreased inflammation within the body and has been shown to have beneficial effects on genes (genetics/DNA) linked to cancer. Furthermore, the fats in avocado are also rather stable and resistant to heat-induced oxidation, making extra virgin avocado oil a healthy and safe choice for cooking.

      Containing a variety of at least 20 different vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients (antioxidants, etc.), avocados afford, in varying degrees, Vitamin K, Vitamin C, Vitamin E, vitamins A, B-Vitamins including Folate (B9), pantothenic acid (B5), pyridoxine (B6), thiamine (B1), riboflavin (B2) and niacin (B3), as well as potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, iron, zinc, and phosphorous. They also supply lutein, zeaxanthin, beta-carotene, and omega-3 fatty acids. Lutein and zeaxanthin, two phytochemicals, are especially concentrated in the tissues in the eyes where they provide antioxidant vision protection to help minimize damage, especially from ultraviolet light.

      Avocados are also known to help with natural detoxification, osteoporosis treatment through substances called saponins (along with Vitamin K, etc.), provide antimicrobial activity, and offer protection from chronic disease.

      All that being said, a whole avocado averages 19 mg of oxalates. Consuming excess oxalates can lead to kindey stones and renal failure/damage to kidneys. If you are at an increased risk of getting kidney stones you are advised to keep oxalate consumption at around 100 mg per daily or less (average is 200 to 300 mg per day).

  29. Comment #3035

    Comment Type: Lifestyle

    Lifestyle Type: General

    Stress Level: Very Low

    Subject: Update on My Weight Loss Journey

    On the 38th day, I could see a nice shape of my body that I have never seen in my life before. Even though I am not losing the weight as fast as I want, I can see the difference in my body and I like it.

    Here is my official weigh-in video for 07-01-2021 - I am at 164.9 pounds:

  30. Comment #3096

    Comment Type: Diet

    Diet Type: Food Item

    Food Item (Product) Name: Olive Oil, Extra Virgin

    Ingredients: Extra Virgin Olive Oil

    Product Manufacturer: Cirio

    Calories: 120 (1 Tablespoon/15 ML)

    Type of Food: Minimally Processed Regular Whole Food

    Hi Gnosis, I use this Extra Virgin Olive Oil product almost every day for my meals. I use this olive oil to cook my protein sources such as chicken and shrimp as well as add it to my salads. Is it not good to use this every day?

    • Comment #3113

      Olive oil has been studied in-depth and used by human beings for at least 4000 years but probably more than 8,000 years. It is a staple and the most used oil in Blue Zone regions around the world. Extra Virgin Olive Oil (EVOO) is one of the healthist oils on Earth, if not the healthiest, and is safe for daily use and consumption.

      The olive tree is traditional to the Mediterranean and is the main source of fat in the Mediterranean Diet. Sourced from the fruit of the olive tree, olive oil is created from the pressing of whole olives. Organic extra virgin olive oil is the healthiest version (but also the most expensive) for daily consumption, as it is ground into a paste and then cold-pressed using pure, organically grown olives. Refined olive oil (regular and light) is an inferior blend of both cold-pressed and processed oils (chemical and high-heat extraction), but can be preferred when it comes to cooking.

      As for nutrients, extra virgin olive oil has roughly 120 calories per tablespoon along with 13.5g of total fat. It contains fat soluble Vitamin K and Vitamin E. The fat in EVOO helps the body absorb other fat-soluble vitamins like Vitamin A and D from the meal, if present.

      Rich in heart-healthy monounsaturated fats (also see pistachios), olive oil contains roughly 14% saturated fat, 11% polyunsaturated fat (omega-6 and omega-3 fatty acids), and 73% monounsaturated fat which is predominantly comprised of the fatty acid called oleic acid. Studies have shown that oleic acid, also found in avocados, reduces inflammation within the body and likely has beneficial effects on genes linked to cancer. Monounsaturated fats are also reasonably resistant to high heat cooking.

      Moreover, nutritionally olive oil is well-known for its wealth of powerful antioxidants. The most abundant antioxidants in extra virgin olive oil are tocopherols (Vitamin E), carotene, lutein, oleocanthal, and squalene as well as lipophilic and hydrophilic phenols. It has been estimated that the amount of oleocanthal in 3.4 tablespoons (50 ml) of extra virgin olive oil has a similar effect as 10% of the adult dosage of ibuprofen. Further biological benefits that antioxidants are credited with include reducing the risk of chronic diseases, decreasing inflammation, helping protect blood cholesterol from oxidation, and helping the human body age more gracefully.

      Olive olive really should not be heated above 375 degrees Farenheit as the smoke point is between 374 and 405°F (190–207°C), depending on the kind of olive oil. This makes it a safe choice for most cooking methods, including most pan-frying. However, it is not recommended for broiling unless the temperature is reduced and cooking time increased slightly to prevent the oil from burning off and smoking.

      Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is also beneficially linked to moisturizing the skin, preventing strokes, protecting the cardiovascular system and reducing the risk of heart disease, fighting Alzheimer's disease, treating rheumatoid arthritis, offering anti-cancer properties, being a benign factor in terms of weight gain and obesity, assisting in limiting the risk of Type 2 diabetes, and even increasing life expectancy. It is considered by many in the scientific community to be the standard in food as preventive medicine.

  31. Comment #3295

    Comment Type: Exercise

    Exercise Type: Cardio

    Cardio Type: Elliptical

    Duration: 0.75 hours

    Time of Day: Early Evening

    Intensity: Moderately Intense

    Hi Gnosis, Walking versus elliptical machine? I have been walking for my exercise until now, but I am starting to do more elliptical. As I have been bedridden with COVID for more than two weeks, exercising again after a long time feels a bit exhausting. But at the same time getting back on track feels so great. As for switching my cardio from walking to elliptical, I am wondering if one is better than the other?

    • Comment #3300

      Done right, walking and elliptical cardio exercises are excellent low-impact choices that likely strengthen the heart and reduce the risk of heart disease, no less, especially in the long term. They are more friendly to the body in general, particularly in terms of minimal stress on the knees, ankles, hips, joints, ligaments, and tendons.

      Walking can be done anywhere, so in terms of convenience, it is the best choice. All you really need is a comfortable, supportive pair of shoes. You can easily add steps throughout your day by choosing to park further away from your place of work or the store when grocery shopping or running errands. Instead of driving down to your friend's house, walk. When traveling, if you have a layover at the airport, walk the terminal(s). However, unless you really achieve to a consistent daily intensity in terms of walking pace while maintaining a regular daily workout time, burning calories is usually not as efficient when walking.

      It is interesting to note that a recent review study involving around 50,000 walkers linked faster walking speeds to a reduced risk of dying from almost everything except cancer. As well, longevity boost potential was found by the Mayo Clinic after analyzing the life expectancy of nearly 475,000 men and women who self-reported as slow or brisk walkers. Walkers reporting faster speeds of around 3 miles per hour/mph (20-minute mile) could expect to live roughly 15 to 20 years longer than slower walkers who reported 2 mph (a 30-minute mile).

      The elliptical is less convenient as, being a machine, it is less accessible because it is only found in gyms, fitness centers, homes that can afford it, or the like. However, elliptical cardio exercise is generally more efficient at burning calories. This is because the elliptical is in a more standardized, controlled environment allowing the user to monitor the workout intensity and time, no less, more closely which has tendencies to keep things more consistent.

      Moreover, an elliptical workout can greatly reduce weight-bearing stress and subsequent wear and tear (attrition) that is commonly found in high-impact cardio like running, jogging, and similar exercises. And because the elliptical offers the option of handles, it allows for both an upper and lower body workout (although walkers can technically do the same thing with their arms). Finally, the elliptical can more readily help build leg muscles by letting the user change both the resistance level and incline of the foot pedals (but, again, a walker could choose a more difficult walking path/course with more of an incline and obstacles, like when doing easy to moderate hiking).

      All that being said, in an ideal setting where the elliptical and walking daily intensity and time are the same, the number of calories burned would likely be nearly the same.

      There is ongoing debate as to how many steps a person should get each day. Are more than 5,000 steps good? 10,000? More than 10,000 steps? The science is still unclear, but one thing is for sure, daily/weekly consistency and follow-through are vital.

      No matter which one you choose, both walking and elliptical cardio exercises offer a range of potential health benefits. Benefits including maintaining a healthy weight and minimal body fat as well as preventing or reducing the risk of various conditions and diseases including heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, cancer, and type 2 diabetes. Moreover, both exercises can help strengthen bones and muscles (with the help of gravity), improve muscle endurance, Increase energy levels, Improve mood, cognition, balance, coordination, memory, & sleep, strengthen the immune system, and reduce stress & tension.

  32. Comment #3301

    Comment Type: Lifestyle

    Lifestyle Type: General

    Stress Level: Low

    Subject: Update on My Weight Loss Journey

    Getting back on track after some time! I got infected with COVID-19 and it was a bit severe due to my asthma condition. I was on saline for most of the days but when I recovered I had to temporarily adjust my diet including eating more carbs than usual in order to get back to being fit and healthy again. Now that I'm strong enough to be eating low carb I managed to lose a few pounds that I gained within that period. Changing to elliptical training has had a major impact as well, helping me stay more consistent with intensity and time to burn more calories. Looking forward to continuing my weight loss journey as before!

  33. Comment #3359

    Comment Type: Diet

    Diet Type: Food Item

    Food Item (Product) Name: Pistachios

    Ingredients: Pistachio Nuts (Seeds)

    Product Manufacturer: Locally Sourced

    Calories: 159 (One (1) Ounce - 28-grams: Roughly 49 Pistachios)

    Type of Food: Regular, Whole Food

    Hi Gnosis, I have recently developed a big interest for pistachios and I tend to eat them a lot even though they are quite expensive. Is it okay to eat around 200g per week due to its high calorie content?

    • Comment #3364

      Pistachios are actually one of the lowest-calorie seeds (they are technically not a nut). They are usually green with a slightly sweet flavor and eaten by the handful or used raw or cooked in salads, ice cream/gelato, baklava (a sweet pastry), pesto, nut butter, biscotti, granola, Turkish delight, and yogurt, to name a few. Pistachios are safe to eat daily, in moderation.

      The origins of the pistachio tree can be traced back to western Asia. Archaeologists have identified pistachios as being a food source for human beings as early as 7,000 B.C. Although they are more commonly referred to as nuts, the popular, nutritious food is actually a seed.

      Pistachio seeds are loaded with nutrients and antioxidants. A one (1) ounce (28-gram) serving includes roughly 49 pistachios and, on average, contains 159 calories, 6 grams of protein, 8 grams of carbohydrates including 3 grams of fiber and 2.17 grams of sugar, as well as 13 grams of fat, of which 90% are unsaturated fats, mostly monounsaturated fat, and about 10% (roughly 1.5 grams) saturated fat. They have a low glycemic index which means they do not cause a sharp rise in blood sugar after consumption. In fact, research as shown that eating pistachios reduces high blood sugar when eaten with a high glycemic index carbohydrate-rich meal. They can also assist with keeping cholesterol in check.

      Their nutritional value is further enhanced by a range of B-Vitamins, especially pyridoxine (B6) which is vital to blood sugar regulation, the formation of hemoglobin, protein metabolism, and cognitive development, along with thiamine (B1), folate/folic acid (B9), riboflavin (B2), niacin (b3), and pantothenic acid (B5). Pistachios also contain Vitamin K. Minerals include potassium, copper, manganese, magnesium, and iron.

      In terms of antioxidants, the pistachio seed affords generous amounts of γ-tocopherol, phytosterols, and xanthophyll carotenoids like lutein and zeaxanthin. These antioxidant substance are know to have numerous health benefits. They are beneficial in helping reduce inflammation (anti-inflammatory), lessen the probabilities of developing the age-related eye conditions macular degeneration (AMD) and cataracts, decrease the risk of cancer (like colon cancer), cardiovascular disease (by improving the flexibility and tone of your blood vessels) and other diseases, and allow for more graceful aging, no less, by preventing damage to the body’s cells.

      Because of their high fiber, protein, and nutrient content, pistachios are very useful for weight loss and weight management as they make you feel fuller for longer. Buying unshelled seeds can slow down your consumption rate. They also encourage a healthy digestive system by moving food through the gut, preventing constipation. Furthermore, preliminary research has shown that pistachios may also have a positive effect on "good" gut bacteria due to a type of fiber called prebiotics that helps reinforce the good bacteria by encouraging them to multiply and “crowd out” harmful/bad bacteria.

      Pistachio seeds can be purchased shelled or unshelled, roasted, or salted. Beware of salted products and high sodium. Nowadays they are readily available in most grocery stores and you can even buy them in bulk from pistachio growers. Although they have been around in the United States since the mid-19th century, commercial production began in the 1970s. California, Arizona, and New Mexico produce America’s commercial pistachio crop.

      NOTE: Pistachios do contain a carbohydrate called fructan. If you have a fructan intolerance the seed might bother your stomach/digestion. Symptoms can entail bloating, nausea, and/or abdominal pain. Finally, pistachios are lower in oxalates with only 14 mg per 1/4 cup. The average is 200 to 300 mg daily, but to many oxalates can lead to kindey stones and kidney damage thus those at an increased risk for kidney stones are advised to keep oxalate consumption to around 100 mg per day.

  34. Comment #3409

    Comment Type: Exercise

    Exercise Type: Cardio

    Cardio Type: Elliptical

    Duration: 0.75 hours

    Time of Day: Late-Afternoon

    Intensity: Somewhat Intense

    I have started liking my elliptical training machine much more than walking due to many reasons. As covid19 situation is again rising in my country walking can be subjected to meeting people and interactions, but I can exercise inside my home with the elliptical. Also, I feel that my muscles are engaged more in elliptical training than walking. I can choose when I would exercise and it won't be canceled due to environmental factors like rain as in walking. So I love the overall experience with the elliptical than walking

  35. Comment #3410

    Comment Type: Lifestyle

    Lifestyle Type: General

    Stress Level: Low

    Subject: Update on My Weight Loss Journey

    I recently got back on track after a long pause, I completely feel like I'm on the right path again at the moment. I have managed to reduce to the required weight goal as well, and now weigh 160.3 pounds. Feeling energetic and looking forward to continuing on this journey.

  36. Comment #3463

    Comment Type: Diet

    Diet Type: Food Item

    Food Item (Product) Name: Chicken

    Ingredients: Chicken Breast

    Product Manufacturer: Locally Sourced

    Calories: 165 (100 Grams)

    Type of Food: Regular, Whole Food

    Hi Gnosis, I find myself eating a lot of chicken breast in a week as my protein source because the other types of meat are not so widely accessible these days due to the covid situation in my country. I want to know whether it is okay to have chicken that way as I purchase them from supermarkets and I have heard they use hormones to grow them up soon in farms. Please clarify

    • Comment #3486

      In the United States, no artificial or added hormones are used in the production of any chicken/poultry products because hormones are not allowed by the USDA. As well, the claim "no hormones added" cannot be used on the labels of any poultry/chicken products unless it is followed by a statement that says "Federal regulations prohibit the use of hormones."

      That being said, it is well known that mainstream, conventional chicken producers have used and many continue to use questionable raising practices like confined, overcrowded, restricted spacing, antibiotics, and low quality feed, no less, to increase meat yield and expedite to-market time. Antibiotics are a serious concern. Moreover, conventional chicken products have also been found to be tainted with pesticides (from feed, etc.) and other dangerous chemicals. All of which have negative effects on the human body and health.

      It is a tough choice, as you must have solid protein to eat daily to fuel your body. If other, better quality protein sources are limited or not available, and you cannot get organic chicken breast or similar quality, then lower quality chicken breast is the lesser of two evils relative to no protein at all.

      Depending on what is available in your area, there are different kinds of chicken breast in terms of quality and overall health to be aware of, including: free range, “farm-raised”, natural, organic, no hormones added, antibiotics, enhanced chicken products, “retained water”, all-vegetable diet, and chickens: made in the USA. You can review the list of different types of chicken and what each means here.

      Certified organic is considered the highest quality and most highly recommended. In the United States, the USDA has determined very specific rules defining exactly what “organic” production means. Organic chicken is usually the most expensive because organic chickens must have access to the outdoors, are only allowed to eat organically grown food (with no pesticides), and they cannot be given any antibiotics. They also must be raised in healthy, clean conditions and allowed to grow naturally. 

      Chicken breast is prized for its high nutritional value and health benefits. A serving of 100 grams has 165 calories and is loaded with 27.3 grams of lean protein (amino acids) as well as 13.6 grams of fat - of which 8.31 grams is unsaturated, zero (0) carbohydrates, and 88 mg of cholesterol. It is low in sodium and contains Vitamin A, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, and a range of B Vitamins including cobalamin (B12), pyridoxine (B6), pantothenic acid (B5), niacin (B3), riboflavin (B2), and thiamin (B1). It also has solid levels of minerals including iron, potassium, phosphorus, zinc, copper, selenium, choline, and manganese.

      Other known benefits include, due to its high protein and nutrient composition, strengthening muscle and bone density (reducing the risk of osteoporosis), assisting with weight loss and management/maintenance (makes you feel more full/alleviates appetite), and decreasing the risk of heart disease (assisting with regulation of cholesterol, triglyceride levels, and blood pressure). The amino acid tryptophan found in chicken breast has been linked to increased levels of serotonin in the brain, which is known as the “feel good” hormone which can help improve mood.

      Note: If you have kidney disease, be cautious about consuming too much protein, particularly in large portions. Talk to your doctor about the best protein sources and amounts for you.