Body Type Science – How To Determine Body Types

Body Type Science – How To Determine Body Types

Body Type Science - How To Determine Body Types Using Fellow One Research's Scientific The Four Body Types Research & Data

Insights from Gnosis: What Is My Body Type? Genetics/DNA and The Four (4) Body Types

Insights from Gnosis: What Is My Body Type? Genetics/DNA and The Four (4) Body Types

Insights from Gnosis: What Is My Body Type? Genetics, DNA, Genes-The Four (4) Body Types. Diet, Exercise, Lifestyle, Metabolism, BMI, Vertebrae, Muscles & other scientific Body Type variables.

Insights from Gnosis: How to Live A Healthy Lifestyle

Insights from Gnosis: How to Live A Healthy Lifestyle

Insights from Gnosis: Living a Healthy Lifestyle Starts w/ Understanding Which of The Four Body Types You Are Relative to Physical, Mental, Emotional, & Spiritual Balance.

Insights from Gnosis: Financial Wealth & Credit Management – Questions & Answers #3

Insights from Gnosis: Financial Wealth & Credit Management – Questions & Answers #3

Insights from Gnosis: Best Daily Life Advice Questions & Answers #3 - Financial Wealth & Credit Management, How to Build Wealth & Credit Score Via CDs & Credit Card.

Research Participant: Female Body Types – Defining My Body According to The Four Body Types

Research Participant: Female Body Types – Defining My Body According to The Four Body Types

Fellow One Research Participant Meredith Smith Discusses Female Body Types Including Her Own Body Type Three Weight Loss and Gain Obesity Roller Coaster Ride.

Insights from Gnosis: What is Celebrity Star Power?

Insights from Gnosis: What is Celebrity Star Power?

Insights from Gnosis: Most People Have Their Favorite Celebrities. Why Do Celebrities Have Star Power, While Most Humans Do Not? How Does a Celebrity Get Star Power?

What Does ‘Skinny Fat’ Mean? Normal weight obesity.

What Does ‘Skinny Fat’ Mean? Normal weight obesity.

The Skinny Fat Phenomena—sometimes referred to as thin-fat or “normal-weight obesity”—may affect up to one-fourth of normal weight people, according to one 2008 study.

Insights from Gnosis: Skinny Fat, Low Muscle Mass, Weak Muscles, & Obesity

Insights from Gnosis: Skinny Fat, Low Muscle Mass, Weak Muscles, & Obesity

Insights from Gnosis: What if all human bodies are born w/ the same NUMBER of muscles but have different overall muscle development & mass relative to obesity?

The Four Body Types & Star Power

The Four Body Types & Star Power

In response to the current nationwide & global adult & childhood obesity epidemic, in 2003 Fellow One Research began research on The Four Body Types & Star Power.

Understanding Body Type Four

Understanding Body Type Four

Of The Four Body Types, A Body Type Four has 10 to 0 out of 33 spinal vertebrae fully extended and muscle mass mostly undeveloped throughout the body as a whole.

Understanding Body Type Three

Understanding Body Type Three

Of The Four Body Types, A Body Type Three has 21 to 11 out of 33 spinal vertebrae fully extended and muscle mass partially developed throughout the body as a whole.

Understanding Body Type Two

Understanding Body Type Two

Of The Four Body Types, A Body Type Two has 32 to 22 out of 33 spinal vertebrae fully extended and most muscle mass developed throughout the body as a whole.

Understanding Body Type One

Understanding Body Type One

Of The Four Body Types, A Body Type One has all 33 spinal vertebrae fully extended and most if not all muscle fully developed throughout the body as a whole.

How to Know/Determine What Is My Body Type?

How to Know/Determine What Is My Body Type?

Do you know how and what is your body type? The Four Body Types scientific research: take the science-based Body Type Shape Quiz/Test (male/man & female/woman)